A new plan

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Chapter ten

It wasn't easy for Rosalie and Dark Link to reach the Light Realm. Dark Link was known as a monster or killing machine. They hid their faces with a cape. It took them a whole day to get to the Castle of Hyrule. Every minute Dark was thinking, if you were okay. He could feel that you were alive and not in trouble. That was a relief for him, but this situation could always change quickly. Rosalie and Dark arrived at the Caslte. They left their horses behind to hid  in the crowd of townspeople. Nobody recognized them at first, but Rosalie made a mistake. A little boy fell down in front of her and she helped him. As she got down her hood went down and the boy could see her white hair, gray skin and demonic eyes. ''Help me! a demon! Mommmyy!!!'' the boy cried and the people made a circle around them. Rosalie got back up. She felt uneasy. ''That was my fault. Now i don't crossed the line, i burst through it.'', she thought and felt scary. The boy was running away and silence took place. Dark said nothing. His hood hid his face perfectly. Nobody could recognize him. Rosie knew this sight from him. On one side it could be that he was controlling his temper, not to explode right in front of all the people or on the other side he was about to explode and then little kids shouldn't be here to hear him or see him. She hoped that he would keep his temper and she would be the only one that was caught by the coming soldiers. Then he had to rescue her. Hopefully, he would do that.

She was wrong.

Dark wasn't in a good mood and you could feel the ground trembling of his anger. Slowly his hand reached to  his hood and he showed his face. His eyes were glowing and he had the most terrifiying expression on his face that was possible. the people around Rosalie and Dark were speechless of this sight. The silence was dangerous. He took a deep breath and looked to his side to Rosalie. She watched him with wide eyes and like the townspeople she took a few steps backwards.

And then it started

''Are you fucking kidding me? Rosalie what the fucking hell! Are you so stupid!'' Dark shouted and you could see mother's put their hands over their children's ears. Rosalie started to shiver. He didn't care if there were people around them or children. ''You had one job. One fucking job. To follow me and to be quiet, that nobody would see us. Undercover! You know what this fucking word means? Holy shit. Din, Nayru, Farore curse me with all the sickness you know, but take Rosalie with you!'', he shouted and throws his hands in the air. His cape fell to the ground and people could see his armor and his weapons.

Then it was silent and Rosalie and the people watched Dark with mouth agape. ''It's Dark Link...oh my good. he will kill us...a monster....run.'', you could hear the people mumble and slowly Dark could feel the fear of the townsfolk. The comments made him more angrier than before.

''Now ladies and gentlemen be prepared for your last minutes of life. I will make it quick or maybe not. I will decide spontaneous.'', Dark started and took his sword. The people started to scream and ran in all directions. It was very loud. Dark just laughed and then stepped to Rosalie's side. She was frightended. ''in a few minutes the guards will arrive.'', Dark said in his calm voice.

Suddenly soldiers came from all alleys and pointed their swords in the direction of Dark Link.

''That was quick. Long time no see. Why i have the pleasure to be greeted with so many proud soldiers of the hyrule army?'', Dark said in a mocking tone.

''Don't mess with us. Stop that. Come with us or we will have to kill you here.'' a soldier said and was right in front of Dark holding his sword to his neck.

Dark made a thinking position and suddenly he dissapeared and was standing on the blade of the soldier, smirking like an insane monster.

Rosalie was amazed and scared at the same time. His moves and his power. it was really intimidating.

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