Chapter 3: Temporary Ceasefire

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About a few days later, Catherine called for a meeting. It was so random. She would usually give us a heads up before a meeting but this time, she just told us from the loudspeaker.
Every single one us rushed to the meeting office. We sat down as Catherine commanded us.
"Every since that day, the magical faction has been contacting me for a meeting. It's about our new recruit, Zek Raven Lovelock." She threw a folder into the center of the table. The table read the folder and showed us a hologram. Catherine swiped through the files and showed us his backstory.
"He's 16. He is a mage with dark magical powers. Son of Charleston Lovelock, a powerful holy wizard who fought a god. Zek apparently tried to infuse himself with a demon lord but it went horribly wrong. Neither he or the demon could control their immeasurable power and he ended up burying it deep into his soul. He had so much power that his blood is poisonous because it contains 1897 points of MPU (Magical Power Unit) per drop." Catherine sighed.
"As you all know, Samuel stole much power from him using corrupted genius and he is now so poisoned and addicted to the power that he evolved himself. They locked him up and chained him."
"They want a meeting now regarding both of them." Ardan sprang from his seat and declared his answer loud and clear: No.
He argued that it was his own fault for stealing from his power and should suffer the consequences. But Celeste sat him down as Kestrel stated that if we don't revert the power it might end us as well. This went on for a hour before we came to a conclusion of me and Catherine going alone. Catherine because she's the head,and me because I'm the overseer for Zek.
Before we left though, I went to Zek's hospital room to check up on him. He was a sleeping beauty in his bed, breathing in and out, but what's so unusual and scary about him was that he does not breath. I stood up, grabbed my small bag and left with Catherine.

She drove down a broken road as I looked out the windows with my headphones. Cath drove with one hand on the wheel and one hand on the armrest.
"Thinking about him?" I pretended I didn't hear her.
"I know you can hear me." I kept looking out.
"Girl your headphones isn't even on." Shit. I got fucking busted. I sighed and slid my headphones down to my neck. She chuckled a little and said:
"You're at that age now, huh?"
"Your hormones~" I hit her back with a 'tch' and kept looking out.
"I know why. Because he barely survived. He's the only one that did." Guilt courses through me as I breathed heavily.
"Look. All of us told you. It's not your fault and you know it."
I sniffed and wiped my nose. I knew it wasn't, but the burden that came.
It's unbearable.
We arrived at the front gates. The red minion came to us, squinted, and said:
"Lyra is waiting for you in the meeting room. Cath parked the car and got out. I followed and kicked the car door close. A red minion in some weird ass suit told us to follow him and we did. The magical mansion was weird and trippy as fuck and everyone stared at us.
"The mistress and others are waiting inside." The minion bowed and left. Cath pushed the door open slowly and found all of the magical members inside.
"Hello Catherine." Lyra greeted.
"Joule." She nodded at me. I nodded back and we both took a seat. Lyra and Lance took out some files and gave it to Catherine. As she read the documents, Lyra spoke:
"So we both know why we are here today, so let's jump right into it."
"As you know, during the previous battle, Samuel used his heroic perk: Corrupted Genius on Zek. Afterwards, he was driven to insanity and that comes concluded the battle."
"What we are concerned so far is Zek's abilities. He has the capability to end both factions. Samuel is currently in an asylum, with our Paladin, Grace trying to cure him."
"Our question today, concern both of us. His blood is measured to be more poisonous than anything else in this universe. He could spread an epidemic any second, and not fit to be a hero when he cannot control his powers." Catherine nodded and folded the files.
"I completely agree. Zek himself is currently in critical condition, and we have found something interesting..." She took out a red flash drive and gave it to Lyra. I gave her a look but Catherine nodded. Lyra plugged the drive into a nearby computer and displayed it onto the huge screen. It showed everything. Zek's profile at least. I could hear small gasps. Yes, it's certainly unusual and scary about a person who does not have a pulse and yet lives on. We don't know what he's capable of, and we needed to stop him from destroying us. You would think I would have realized.
You would think I would've just killed him.
But I didn't.
If I knew what he was, I would've.
He's a monster.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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