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Love is just a word to Rinko.

Sure, she's been on dates and even had suitors. But the thought of loving one of the very few guys she's dated never really occurred to her. Doesn't feel the need to love someone other than herself because even then; she's still suffering. Has difficulty looking in the mirror without nitpicking every bit of flaw she has of herself. This has her wondering of the mess she's going make and how falling in love is not one of them. Falling in love is bullshit, as she always says.

This is why her best friend, Park Jimin thinks he doesn't stand a chance. Never will, he supposes. If it's unrequited love you're talking about, Jimin's felt it all. Even feels worst today because he hasn't heard her voice in a week. Figured she's busying herself with work and doesn't want to waste her time, but he still does, nevertheless.

jimin: how's busan?

Rinko's brushing up the tangles of her brown hair when she gets a vibration from the back pocket of her ripped jeans. Her eyes linger to the bright screen displaying a message from one of the few friends she has in Seoul.

She smiles.

Surprised that the question came from Jimin rather than her own parents. Never really called or checked up on her safety ever since coming to Busan, but she doesn't mind because as sad at it sounds, she's used to it.

Rinko doesn't have an answer to Jimin's question. Whether she thinks about it well enough or not, there won't be an answer. Busan doesn't feel like home, never felt it anywhere else either, but the warmth of her sunkissed skin glowing above the proximity of the sky might just be enough to let her experience a glimpse of home. And that's more than enough to stay.

Shivering, she pulls a white hoodie over head, taking in the warmth as she gazes upon the setting sun once again. She hasn't eaten anything all day, not even a granola bar, but will probably just grab something to eat on her way home.

Rinko's gaze drops to the figure walking closer to her. Reminds her of Jimin except this person was so much taller than her best friend.

"Uh. . . hi? My friend, his name's Taehyung and he saw you working here the other day and, well, you didn't stop by the diner like usual today so he forced me to bring you something and I'm sorry, I think I'm rambling too much, I'll just go"

Jeongguk. The waiter from a few nights ago came to drop off food for Seol Rinko, the girl who ordered salad, but barely even ate it at all.

"Jeongguk, right? I heard your friend call out your name the other day. Thank you. No one's ever done this before, but I guess this is a first."

While Rinko's getting a better view of Jeongguk under the sunset, she notices his features. Or rather than his already sparkling smile, she notices his eyes. Brown irises with a certain look of worry as she reads him. Takes her a full a minute before she can finally process her thoughts again.

Jeongguk holds out the brown paper bag in front of Rinko. He's careful not to do anything more than express his sincerity towards her.

At this, she takes it and wonders what's inside when he already beats her to it.

"I think it's your favourite because you ate it first. The seafood pasta without the shrimps because you're allergic, right?"

She nods. Even surprises her because of how much he already knows about Rinko in a short matter of time.

Standing a few centimetres away from each other, they realize the white hoodie they're both wearing. With fluttering hearts, they look down in unison, cheeks flushed red.

"I never got your name."

Jeongguk's smiling, the sun has set and it's as if everything's falling in place.

"Seol Rinko, Rinko."

And now, she finally has an answer for Jimin. It took a while for her to think of a reply. After a few hours of lingering thoughts, she figures it's worth it in the end after meeting Jeongguk for the very first time.

rinko: i met this boy.

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