Pt VII- Home

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Shivanna woke just as the limo was pulling into the front of the most beautiful house...actually she thought it could be a mansion. She had no idea where they were. The sun was just rising over the horizon when they arrived.
"Welcome to one of your new homes pet. You are going to love it here." Harris opened the door and the girl follow her Master out of the comfort of the limo. All she could do was turn and stare in every direction. Acres of green in one direction, trees in the next direction, and what looked like the ocean backdropping the mansion. While she slept the trip took them on a ferry across open water to an island that the Flemings owned. "Hurry up girl, you are falling behind. There will be plenty of time to explore" she heard Harris call out to her. Shivanna ran up the path of stairs to the entrance, the plug completely forgotten about. She was greeted by shiney marble floors, huge wooden banisters, artwork hanging on the walls and fresh flowers throughout the rooms. "Harris show her to her room."  Shivanna followed Harris up 2 wide winding staircases and into the most beautiful bedroom she had ever seen. "Quickly put your belongings where they need to be. Shower...and dont forget shaving. Ill give you 20 min and will come back to make sure you are ready for your inspection. " Shivanna quickly put her few things away and jumped in the shower. She didnt remove the plug since it wasnt mentioned. After washing her hair she carefully started to shave where she never has before. It took more time then the rest of her shower. She quickly dried off and brushed her hair, leaving it down and wet. Harris stepped in the room just as she was about to pull her dress on. "I believe your Mistress said you would be without clothes when you got here so just put that thing away. Ok now turn around...mhhmm...bend at the waist. Good you kept that in. Now lay on the bed and let me see. Hmmm 1st time shaving i see you are going to have to work on that. At least she will see that you tried. Ok...hurry downstairs. When you get into the sitting room you need to kneel with your hands behind your back."
Shivanna made her way down the stairs and only knew where to go by listening to her Master and Mistresses voices. She positioned herself in between their chairs and knelt just as Harris has told her. Their conversation never stopped. After about a good 10 min Rene begins to speak to Shivanna. "So far you have done pretty well. There have and will be so many changes for you. First you need to know you are not here to be a maid or server. You are here to be my pet and Masters sub. You will be taught many new things, you will be used, by only Master and myself unless otherwise mentioned, you will be naked while here, you will have rules to follow. " "yes Miss thank you". "Pet you will be taken care of better then you ever have been in return we will own you."  "So lets go over some of the rules...1 you will not touch yourself in a sexual manner unless told to do so, 2 you will never cum unless told to do so, 3 you will present yourself to us whenever we request it, 4 you will not whine or pout about how you think you are being treated, 5 you will not question any of our commands. 6 You will keep yourself clean at all times. Do you understand these rules?" "Yes Miss." "Good, now go over and lean over the bench, legs spread , elbows resting on the cushion. Yes now spread your feet wider. Thats it. Mmmm glad to see the plug still in. Looks like you need to work on shaving down here. If its not done correctly tomorrow I will have Harris clean it up. Now go over to Master and present yourself to Him. He will want to see the plug." Shivanna hurried over to their Master, turned away from him, bent at the waist then reached back to spread her cheeks. Rene smiled and thought the girl to be a natural. Master sat up and reached out to tap the plug. Shivanna made a mouse of a sound but stayed still. He then took hold of the plug and gently pulled it out, enjoying the view of the gape and then hungry moan from the girl. "Good girl. We are going to make sure this is well used " as he circled his finger around the extended rim. "Rene bring me a longer, not thicker plug." Rene opened up a hutch and brought him one which was an inch longer. "Girl do not move. You already know how it feels going in. Rene....her her relax." Rene knelt beside the girl and reached up and began rubbing as their Master slowly eased the new plug into and  yet deeper in Shivannas backside. Shivanna trembled slightly from the attention from her Mistress and from the plug. "Stand straight...yes I can see you can feel the difference. The look on your face tells so much. Since this is your 1st day here you can go outside and explore our little island. We might even go to the beach later. Enjoy." "Thank you Master...Miss." Shivanna turned and walked away slowly as the plug was touching places the other one didnt.
Shivanna stepped outside and drew in a deep breath, a mixture of trees and salt water. She didnt think things could get better then this. She walked through the lush cool grass to the side of the house and discovered a large barn which she could hear the knickering of horses. She ran to the open doors and watched a man brushing a beautiful small pinto. She blushed quickly when he looked her way as she remembered about her unclothed body. "It's ok...come meet this sweet girl. Her name is Penny" . Shivanna slowly walked over and put her hand out for the animal to sniff. "Hi im Shivanna. The Flemings brought me from Trinidad." "Yes we have heard all about you. My name is Rowan. By the way, didnt you mean to say Master and Mistress? Be very careful with your words" he said with a smile. Shivanna began to pet Pennys smooth coat. "Maybe one day we will go for a ride. The island is perfect to explore that way. It was nice to meet you Shivanna, but i need to finish up in here." Shivanna thanked Rowan and left the barn. Behind the house was a beautiful oasis of a pool. One end was designed like a beach, sand and all. The other was for laps and had a slide. Oh she wished she could slide in right now. Right then Mistress spoke, Shivanna had not seen her lying out on a lounge. "Go ahead pet. This is your home now and you need to enjoy it."  "Thank you Miss, it is so beautiful, everything is so beautiful." Shivanna climbed the ladder of the slide. Rene sat and smiled, realising the girl had forgotten her filled bum, but would be reminded quickly enough. The smile on her pets face was illuminating and as she started down it turned to a look of shock then pure pleasure. Rene thought to herself how happy the girl seemed. When her pet bobbed up from under the surface rene smiled, "Forgot about that toy didnt you pet? I could tell how much you enjoyed it. Keep playing, your body is so enticing in the water."

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