chapter 6

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dinah POV-a couple days later

Today we find it if Johnny killed Danny. Honestly I was regretting this day but I think that I need to know to have closure and for my son to have closure. He didn't deserve any of this. He was so sweet and so loving he had an amazing life and just to think that someone killed him hurts me especially someone that is his father. Never in a million years that I think Johnny would be capable of doing this it makes me start to regret a lot of decisions that I made. Makes me think if I would give him the money with Danny still be here. Days like this make me wish I was doing my little space but I just can't go back to that I've already polished so much of being out of it I don't know going back to seem like I will be just a big burden on everyone. I know lo miss is it but I just can't right now. Maybe in the future I just don't know.

As I finish getting dressed the doorbell goes off that must be the cops here to talk.

"Dinah come downstairs please."


"Hi Miss Henson."


"Are you ready."said officer Simon

"As ready as I'll ever be Lauren are you staying."

"Yeah I can stay if you want me to."

"Please stay."


"Already well we ran some tests and it came up that Johnny........

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