chapter 5

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Lauren point of view

It's been a week since the whole accident and since Dinah's gotten out of the hospital. The police are coming by today to come tell us what they have on the accident and they said they have some other news that should be very important to us. I hope it's nothing really bad we really cannot take any other drama in our life right now. It's been hard on everyone and I know it's hard on Aaliyah because she's not talking as much anymore there's something bothering her but she won't tell anyone what it is.

Knock knock

"Coming....... Hello officers coming in let me go get Dinah oh and by the way she's not in her head space she's her actual age."

"Okay that's good to know because this is some important information that she's going to want to understand."

"Dinah honey come downstairs please."


After about 5 minutes Dinah comes downstairs the police start talking.

"So we've done a lot of research about everything that's happened we actually got the guy that did it on camera but was also seen him somewhere else and other pictures so we did a little bit more investigating it turns out he's actually Dinah's ex-husbands best friend Charles. So we wonder why would Charles go through all the trouble to kill Diner so we started digging a lot more until the story when we actually came to conclusion that Johnny isn't really Johnny. Johnny's real name is Salon Johnson. He's a 45 year old man was wanted for a lot of things. he's a scam artist use the thief he's a drug dealer and he's in a lot of different type of things. I was going to be a big well-known fashion designer she has the money that he wants and that if you said before that you wouldn't give him any money so that's probably why he said this all up to try to hurt you to get you out of the picture so you can get the money."

"But he still wouldn't have got it I put the money up for our son so he can get to college and have a okay right."

"Right so we started digging in a little bit more and we'll after we dug up your son's grave with your mother's permission we started going through things that happen in his report about why he passed away and stuff and we came to the conclusion that he was poisoned right before he passed away. So we want your permission to start an investigation on what really happened to Daniel."

"Yes yes of course I want to find out how much my son if he killed my son there's I want Justice for me and Daniel."

"Well that's all we have for today and will be in touch."

"Thank you Mom I'm going to go upstairs and lay down."

Dinah Point of View

I can't believe this who did I marry who did I fall in love with. If he hurt my son I'm going to kill him I don't care if I go to jail if anything happens I will hurt him. Let's just see what will happened first

* Not edited*

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