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Humblebee: You don't happen to know a winchester at your school do you?

Trickster: Yeah

Trickster: Why?

Humblebee: I'm in the 9th grade building, I know nothing of the high school

Trickster: Fine

Trickster: There is a Winchester, and he's in my grade.

Humblebee: I need a name Gabe


Trickster: Hey I don't just do things out of the graciousness of my heart. What do I get in return?

Humblebee: I have skittles?

Trickster: The gayest of the candies

Humblebee: Is that enough?

Trickster: Dean

Humblebee: Is that his name?

Trickster: No Castiel that the brand of toilet paper I use

Humblebee: Is that sarcasm I detect?

Trickster: Yes Cas. Yes it is

Trickster: You have much to learn young child

Humblebee: So Dean Winchester? That's his name?

Trickster: Yes

Trickster: Why are you asking this?

Humblebee: No reason

Trickster: We both know that's not true

Trickster: I want a real answer Cas

Humblebee: I was texting him

Trickster: Really?

Trickster: You're texting people?

Humblebee: Yes. Is that not what teenagers do?

Trickster: No it is

Trickster: But when have you ever texted or communicated with people you don't know?

Humblebee: I just started today

Trickster: Why today?

Humblebee: Charlie has convinced me that it will help me out in the long run

Trickster: k

Trickster: be careful

Humblebee: I know Gabe, I'm not a kid

Trickster: You're mentally a kid

Humblebee: I think you're talking about yourself

Trickster: Mean

Trickster: Now I'm taking all of your candy

Humblebee: :(


HAHAHA I might of forgotten this was thing for a while. Sorry I was a little busy trying to finish my summer reading. But here it is!

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