Chapter 17- double trouble

Depuis le début

"Since, I've met your boyfriend, it's time you meet my girlfriend." My brother grinned down at the girl.


"Hi it's really nice to meet you, even if it's not face to face." I said.

"Yes it is, I've heard a lot about the famous sister." She sat down on a chair my bro pulled out for her. Aw. That's cute.

"I probably know you better than I know anybody else, he won't stop talking about you, every single time I call him it's always Carly is so great, Carly is so beautiful-"

"Okay, we get it Haylie." My brother shut me up.

"That's for making Dean uncomfortable." I winked. Dean was still quiet, I thought he was confident. I rolled my eyes internally.

"It's alright, I'm not that uncomfortable." Dean smiled.

"You're too nice." I chuckled.

"You had to meet my parents, it was one thousand times worse than talking to your brother over a camera."


"I forgot, Carly, this is Dean, my sister's boyfriend. Dean, this is Carly my girlfriend." My brother introduced them to each other.

"It's nice to meet you." Dean spoke first. "I'm meeting so many new people today."

"You look a lot like someone I know." Carly said looking confused.

"My face is hard to forget." Dean smirked a little. Good to know his confidence is back.

"Wait! I know who you are!" Then she looked extremely angry. "You're the boy who killed my sister!"

Woah. That escalated quickly. Now I know why she reminded me of me, both Sawyer and Dean had told me how much Rose and I looked like each other, now I get to meet the sister.

"What?" My brother exclaimed. "You're dating a murderer?"

It was my turn to feel nervous.

"Listen James, it isn't what you think."

"What did he do?" James crossed his arms.

"He drove my sister into a tree!" Carly shouted.

"You know what? This is the first time that I'm happy for living away from you." I muttered. "It wasn't his fault, well it was but-"

"Okay stop, you're not helping." Dean stopped me. "I'm really sorry about all the grieve and sadness I gave your family and trust me, I feel guilty no matter what I am doing. But I've learned to try and find happiness again, it seems as though you are too, so please, don't bring it up."

"How can I forget what you've done to our family? We were torn apart without Rose!" She looked like she was about to beat up the computer.

"Okay, I think it's about time to say goodbye." James said lightly pushing Carly away. "We'll talk later."

Then he disconnected.

Dean looked very angry.

"Don't listen to her," I put my hand on his arm gently.

"Didn't you hear your brother? You're dating a murderer!" He stood up and ran his hand through his hair.

"You're not a murderer. I don't care what Carly said, she is being insensitive and I know you didn't mean for the accident to happen." I said gently.

"You don't know anything." He snapped.

I stared at him and knew that he needed time to cool down. So I left the room.

I went downstairs to see the Cindy was still here.

"Are you serious?" I mummered to myself.

"Haylie, where's Dean?" My dad asked.

"He's upstairs, he just met my brother and let's say things didn't go well."

"You're brother is pretty annoying, Cindy wanted to ask you some questions, is that alright?"

"It's not like I have a choice." I pulled a chair out and sat down grumpily.

"I'll talk to Dean, man to man." My dad headed upstairs. This won't end well.

"I know what you're up to." I narrowed my eyes at Cindy.

"What do you mean?" She knew exactly what I meant.

"Katie's your daughter isn't she."

"Of course she is."

"Why are you dating my dad? It isn't because you like him, Katie set you up, why did she do that?"

"I met your dad before Katie told me all about how this new american girl was hurting her reputation and the only way for my daughter to be happy would be to help her with this revenge. She told me to get close to your dad, break his heart but before that, I must make him hate you. It's even better that your dad fell for me so easily."

What a great mom.

"That's not going to happen." I said in disbelief.

"You want a bet?" She leaned forward.

"You and Katie better watch out, I'm not a quitter and I will have the last laugh. Just wait and see."

"Who will help you?"

"You underestimate my abilities." I smiled.

"I'm wondering though, what actually did you do to Katie?"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA." I bursted out laughing. "What did I do? You should actually ask what she did. She hated me the day I walked in England. It's actually quite funny if you think about it, I never did anything to upset her, she just decided to be mad at me 24/7. The thing I don't understand is why you are helping her, surely being a mother would mean that you help your child to see the right and not help them with the wrong."

"As a mother, it's my duty to make sure nobody makes my children upset." She was starting to grow angry.

"I may not be a mother but I would be a much better mom than you." Yeah that made her angrier.

"You should never had said that."

"I know I shouldn't have but it's a little late for that now." I shrugged.

"Haylie," Dean came into the room which we were talking in, "I'm sorry- What is she doing here?"

"I don't really know." I raised an eyebrow.

Then my dad entered and the atmosphere was tense.

"I guess I better be going." Cindy picked up her bag kissed my dad on the cheek, "it was nice meeting you, I'm sure this won't be the last time I see you."

"I'm sorry Haylie, for lashing out at you, you were only trying to comfort me, I'm just not used to people being nice let alone trying to make me feel better." He took my hands in his and my dad left us alone.

"It's okay."

"See what I mean, no matter what I do, you'll always forgive. I don't deserve you, not even a little, I don't know why you chose me but I do know that I will never let you go."

It only took me approximately 1.2 seconds to forgive him.


Hey guys!

I hope you liked this chapter and you're starting to get the Rose story back! You'll hear Dean's side of it soon and isn't Cindy aka Katie's mom the worst?

Thanks for reading!

Vote/comment/fan/do whatever you want

S.o.t.c.: Queen of Hearts by We the Kings

Remember... Faction before blood.


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