At his answer Audrey didn't know what to say. "What do you see about me?" She asked him quietly. Richie was taken aback at her question but didn't show it. No one had ever really bothered to ask him about his visions. "I know that you want to live a more interesting life. You want to escape the one you're currently in." He told her after a moment of looking at her. It wasn't the most interesting answer that he could have given her but he was spot on. She craved a more interesting life. Her life back home was Church every sunday with her family even though she wasn't a believer, a boring job as a cashier in their local diner. Constantly seeing the same people all of the time. She did want to escape that, Richard was right. 

She smiled at him and nodded. She briefly glanced at her siblings who were talking quietly to each other before she turned back to look at Richie. "I take it no one ever believes that you're telling the truth?" She questioned him. Richard nodded, a small look of sadness on his face at the realisation that she was true and that people never did believe him. "Everyone thinks that I'm...weird, or creepy and that Seth is the better brother. But I have these visions for a reason. I hear this woman...she talks to me, tells me to do things. She wants me to find her. And I plan to."

Audrey nodded slowly as she listened to him speak, taking in all of the information. She really felt bad for him because she could see he was struggling with a lot. She could see that despite his love for his brother, he was actually quite insecure about their relationship and insecure about himself. If that wasn't enough he had a woman constantly whispering to him and he had to struggle with different visions of things and of people.

Audrey raised her eyes to meet his and she hesitated for a moment before she placed her hand on his arm. "I believe you." She told him softly. Just because she couldn't see or hear the things Richard did didn't mean that he wasn't telling the truth about it. He was clearly seeing something and hearing someone and even if those things weren't real he still saw them and she felt bad that he had to go through it alone.

Richard was shocked at her response to what he had told her and for the first time in a while he felt like someone was actually listening to him, getting to know the real him even. "Thank you." He told her softly. Audrey smiled at him as she removed her arm and took a step back. She saw Seth near the front of the RV wincing due to the injury he had received as a result of getting shot. She smiled at Richie once more before she walked towards the front of the RV. 

She looked at Seth in slight concern. "You alright?" She asked him. Seth looked up at her from his position on the couch and shrugged before wincing again, regretting his action. "Seen better days." He told her. Audrey nodded slowly. "Sorry for almost crushing you earlier...probably didn't make the injury any better." She apologised with a guilty smile. "Don't worry about it princess." Seth smirked before leaning back. "Hey, got a first aid kit in this beast?" He asked a bit louder this time as he spoke to her father.

Jacob kept his eyes on the road but didn't answer. Audrey would have told Seth where it was had she known. Seth looked up at Jacob in annoyance and he cleared his throat. "Let me explain something to you here, Jacob. Now there's only one song we're gonna be singing on this little road trip, and it ain't Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall. Song is called my way. So if i say make a turn, you're gonna make a turn. If i say don't talk, don't talk." Seth told him before he stood up. Audrey stepped out of his way a little. "But if i ask for a first aid kit-" He began to yell before Jacob pointed at one of the cabinets above the sofa. 

Seth looked taken aback for a small moment before he muttered out a thank you. Audrey smiled a little at his expression. She decided to sit down on the sofa so that she could rest her legs and she looked up as Seth began laughing as he looked at an ID. "Pastor Jacob Fuller, huh?" Seth asked in amusement. Jacob remained silent and continued to drive.

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