To Be Bonded With Love (Chapter 1) - Friends Cant Be Trusted

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Put your story text here...To Be Bonded With Love (Chapter 1)

"Hey Storm. What is it that you wanted to talk about?" My best friend Sam said. I know that I can trust him with this secret. I have always wanted to tell him but I was just so scared.

"Sam. I'm gay." I stood there looking for his reaction. I was standing there like a stone. My eyes closed waiting for what he would say to me.

"Storm. Are you okay. It's fine that you are gay. I'm alright with it, but ONLY if you are not in love with me." That was his reaction. I was expecting and I hate you, or I never want to see you ever again, or even get away from me faggot.

"No I'm not in love with you. I'm not in love with anyone. YET."

"Okay. That's fine." After that we went our separate ways. As I was walking to fifth period I heard something that I couldn't believe.

"Hey Storm. I heard that you are gay is that true?" I was shocked. I told Sam in confidence. How could he just tell everyone. How could he reveal my secret within an hour.

I "stormed" out of there. I ran to my car and drove home. My parents are always home because they have an at home company.

My parents know that I am gay and are fine with it. They actually encouraged it. When I came out to them they said that they always wanted me to be gay.

"Mom! Dad! Can you come here?" They came rushing down the stairs. Both of them nearly naked, I guess that they were close to having sex. "Sorry to disturb you but I have something to say."

They stepped down the remaining steps and sat on the couch. "What is it honey, why are you home early?" Mom asked clearly showing her concerns. "Your not straight again are you?!" Oh god. That's the first thing that she assumes.

"No mom. I'm still gay. It's just that I told Sam and he told the rest of the school. I can't believe that he would go and tell the rest of the school. I told him in private and he knew that I was nervous to tell. How could he? Why did he?" I started to cry. The salty tears slowly streaming down my cheeks.

"Did you love Sam honey?" Mom asked. WHAT! NO!

"WHAT! NO! I did not love him. I just saw him as a friend. Nothing more. I was just shocked that he would tell people my secrets."

"Oh honey come here." My mom called. As I got closer Both my parents engaged in a group hug. It was so comforting. I am glad that I have them as parents. Hey are so loving.

1 Year Later

"Okay Storm. It's time. We need you to go to school. I know of a school in the United States. Okay. This school is for all gay males. I know that if you are there you will feel more relaxed."

"Do I have to move to the United States. I love it here in Australia."

"Yes you have to son. You haven't been to school for one year ever since Sam and I want my son to have a great education. Do you understand?"

"Yes dad. I love you."

"Love you too son. Oh and by the way your mother wants to see you before you go."


The Original Author : Simon Waters


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