A New Place

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Running as fast as the wind, we see the RED teams scout about to flank the BLU team. He cracks a cheeky grin and ends up behind a BLU engie. Scout swings his sandman bat as hard as he could at the engineer.

A nasty crunch was heard and the engie was down for the count.

"HAHAHAAAA, dis egghead didn't even stand a chance against me, the force-a-nature!"

Scout looks around for his team. He sees the Medic and Heavy cutting through the mid-point. He spots the Demoman blowing up enemies and setting traps around the door, and Solider was being a crazy maniac like he always is.

Scout spots his Engineer playing his guitar next to his turrent and runs to him.
"Ayo whats up?"

"Ah hey there Scout. What brings ya over to me?"

"Dis is frickin boringggg. We do the same shit everyday. Killing the same old dummies. We need somethin' fresh ya know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I know how you feel scout. But there ain't much we can 'bout it. I do have a device I been working on. It should let us teleport inside the enemy's intelligence office without a hitch. I'd like you to test it out for me first though."

"Gee hardhat whaddaya think I am? Your damn guinea pig?" Scout says angrily.

"Well ya said ya wanted something fresh and this is as fresh as we can get right now Scout. Take it or leave it." Engineer replies.
Scout rolls his eyes and scowls.

"Psh. Fine whateva' lets get it over with."
Engineer takes Scout with him to the room where the teleporter was.

"Alright Scout just step on it and we'll have the intelligence in a snap."

"Yeah yeah c'mon I aint got all day."

Engie presses the button and the teleporter starts up and Scout floats in the air.

"So far so good..." Engineer whispers to himself.

"Can't dis thing go any faster?"

"Be patient, Scout."
Scout loudly sighs.

"Woah, hey! I think it's working! I feel super weird though." Scout is silent for a second then starts panicking.

"Uhhh this does not feel like a normal teleporter Engie! Get me offa this thing!" Scout starts frantically kicking his legs in the air trying to move.

"Uh oh..." Engineer says.
"It won't shut down!" Engineer shouts.
He reaches to grab Scout and pull him but Scout vanishes while screaming before he reached him.

"Ohhh shit!"

The teleporter starts smoking then blows up. Engineer falls to his knees.
"I worked on that for months and now Scouts gone.."

Meanwhile Scout is screaming his ass off while falling through time and space. But before he knew it he was back on the solid ground. He takes in his surroundings. It looks like he's in a city.
What the hell is this? It's all shiny and shit here." He notices that everybody is staring at him. He even sees a few robots too.

There's a guy standing right next to him staring at Scout. Scout gets annoyed.
"What the fuck are you lookin at pal?"
The dude flinches and jumps a little then scampers away. Scout keeps walking around ignoring all the staredowns people are giving him. He gets fed up and grabs a dude and scowls at him.
"Where am I?"

Y-you're in L-london" the guy stutters out.

Scout lets go of the dude and looks around. It didn't look anything like the pictures he saw in school. He starts getting angru

"That mothafuckin Engineer! I'll break his head in when I see him!"

Scouts stomach starts rumbling. He was hungry but he didn't have any money. Scout takes out his bandana that he had in his back pocket.
"Time to go muggin..." he thinks to himself.

He pulls out a knife and grabs an isolated guy. He pulls him in a dark allyway and mugs him.

"This should be enough. Thanks pal."
Scout says as he knocks the guy out.

"All that time in Brooklyn really paid of, eh?" He chuckles.
But before he even got out of the ally way someone stood in the way.

A thick female British voice called out.
"Where are you going, love? That was quite mean of you don'tcha think?"

"Ah shit.. hello there... miss uh.."

"Call me Tracer love and I'll have to ask you to come with me dear."

"Listen, Tracer, sweetheart, this is all just a big misunderstanding."

"Last chance before I use force sir."
She says as she pulls out 2 odd looking pistols.

"If we could just talk about thi-"
Tracer then blinks at him not letting him finish his statement.

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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