There is suddenly a lot of noise heard in the distance, and I go to the window to have a look. “Elphie, what is it?” Glinda asks resting her hand on my arm. I turn quickly and address her. “You can’t be found here. You must go!” I say quickly pushing her towards the door. She suddenly turns to me confused. “Elphie, what is it?”

“You can’t be found here. You must go!” I insist, but I get the feeling she won’t budge, and I was correct when she gives me a determined look and shakes her head. “No!”

“You must! Please!” I beg her knowing it’s only a matter of time before the witch hunters arrive.

“I’ll go tell everyone the truth!” Glinda suddenly says looking a little hopeful. I shake my head and grab her arm. “No! They’ll only turn against you!”

“I don’t care!” She says shaking her head, as she pulls her arm free and moves towards the door. I quickly get between her and the door. “Well, I do! Promise me you won’t!”

“Elphie, no!”

“Promise!” I say again more earnestly. I place my hand and her cheek and look at her sadly. “Glinda, please promise.” She is quiet for a few minutes and just looks into my eyes before nodding slowly. “Alright, I promise, but I don’t understand.” She says quietly and I hear a hint of confusion in her voice.

I turn my back to her and my shoulders slump. “I’m limited.” I sing quietly. “What?” She says confused,  and I glance back at her. “Just look at me.” I put my hands out to my sides a little and quietly sing again. “I’m limited.” I place my hand gently on her shoulder and give her a sad small smile. “And just look at you, you can do all I couldn’t do, Glinda.”  I go over to the desk I have in the corner and pick up the Grimmerie. I hold it close for just a moment before I turn and hold it out to Glinda. She looks at it then look at me. “Elphie, you know I can’t read this.” She says as she takes it hesitantly.

“Well, then you’ll have to learn.” I tell her turning my back to her as I go to the window. Then quietly sing. “Because now it’s up to you,” I turn back around, look at her sadly and almost whisper, “for both of us.” She looks ready to cry and tuck a loose curl back behind her ear, and give her a small smile as I tip her chin up too look me in the eye. “Now it’s up to you.” I sing again.”

“Oh Elphie…” She whimpers and hugs me close. I hug her back. “You’re the only friend I’ve ever had.” Glinda looks up at me and smiles. “I’ve had so many friends, but only one that mattered.” She admits and I smile at her and can’t help but give her a slight chuckle despite the circumstances.

She then takes my hand in her’s and gives me a small thoughtful smile, and begins to sing. “I’ve heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason bringing something we must learn, and we are lead to those who help us most to grow if we let them, and we help them in return.” She gives me another sad smile, and all I can do is return it as she continues to sing. “But I don’t know if I believe that’s true, but I know I’m who I am today because I knew you.” Glinda turns towards the window her hand still in mine so I turn with her, and she makes a sweeping motion across the sky. “Like a comet pulled from orbit, as it passes the sun. Like a stream that meet a boulder halfway through the woods. Well, who can say if I’ve been changed for the better,” She looks at me then and goes on with what she was singing, “but because I knew you I have been changed for good.”

I know that the witch hunters are getting closer, but I don’t feel that panic right now. Right now I allow myself to get lost in those beautiful sapphire eyes, and I start to sing as well. “It well maybe that we will never meet again in this lifetime, so let me say before we part, so much of me is made from what I've learned from you.” I bring her hand to my heart and hold it there. “You’ll be with me like a handprint on my heart, and now whatever way our stories end, I know you have rewritten mine by being my friend.” My heart breaks as Glinda begins to cry, and I gently wipe a tear from her cheek. It stings a little but I don’t care. “Like a ship blown from its mooring by the wind off the sea. Like a seed dropped by a sky bird in a distant wood. Who can say if I've been changed for the better, but because I knew you…” I sing and then Glinda smiles a little at me and sings, “Because I knew you.” Then our voices blend in perfect harmony as we sing, “I have been changed for good.”

I hang my head in shame a little, and I can’t hide the sadness in my voice as I continue to sing. “And just to clear the air, I ask forgiveness for the things I've done you blame me for.” Glinda tilts my chin up just a little so she can look me in the eye. She gives me a sad smile and sounds very apologetic as she sings, ““But then again I guess we know there's blame to share.” We both smile at each other as our voices blend again. “But none of that even matters anymore!”

“Like a comet pulled from orbit as it passes the sun!” Glinda sings out again, and I join in with, ““Like a ship blown from its mooring by the wind off the sea!” She then takes my hand. “Like a stream that meets a boulder halfway through the woods!”

“Like a seed dropped by bird in the woods.” I squeeze her hand, and our voices blend again.  “Who can say if I've been changed for the better. I do believe I have been changed for the better.” Glinda smiles at me, and plays with the brim of my hat a little before . “And because I knew you…”  She sings and I smile back and sing, “Because I knew you…” Our voices blend again. “Because I knew you, I have been changed… for good.” I embrace her for a moment, and I hope she can feel all the love I have for her  in that hug, and then I kiss her, give her one last sad smile as I wipes another tear from her cheek.

I know the witch hunters are just about the door of the castle, and it is too late for Glinda to leave now. I glance around quickly trying to think of somewhere she can hide. Somewhere they won’t find her or see her. Spotting the wardrobe I quickly shove her back into the shadows between a corner and the wardrobe. “Stay here! And no matter what you hear or sense going on stay quiet, stay hidden and don't move!” I order her sounding a little more forceful than I should but she has to know I am serious. I couldn’t bare to think of what they would do to her if they found her here with me.

“But Elphie!” Glinda goes to object. “Promise me Glinda!” I beg her to promise , and I even give her a pleading look.“Alright I agree, but I don't like it!” She say glaring at me, and I nod. With look that is absolutely miserable whisper. “I know, my sweet, but it's for your own safety, and no matter what hold, out my sweet. Try to move on.” With that I leave her in the shadow.

Just after I leave Glinda in the shadows I find myself waking up with a start. My face burns, and when I touch my face I hiss in pain. I have been crying. I sit up straight and notice it is late into the night, and so I quietly get up, grab my nightgown and head to my bathroom.

Clicking on the light I look in the mirror and sigh. Great! Just great! How do I explain this to Glinda and Bessie? I think as I see the burn marks on my cheek. I quickly change and then grab the ointment I use when I come in contact with water, and apply it. After I’m done I return to my room, and go back to bed. I lay there thinking about the dream I had just had, and after awhile I drift back off to sleep.

Finding Elphaba (Book 2 in Endless Love Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now