The Angels Take Manhattan

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I've been putting this one off for a while, I honestly don't want it to end, I've been writing Amy and Rory's characters for so long now that it's going to be strange to not write for them. Anyways if you somehow can, enjoy the first half of 'The Angels Take Manhatten.'


The Time Lords sat on a picnic blanket. The Stones head resting on the Doctors lap and Jenny sat cross-legged next to them. Amy and Rory sat on their own blanket right next to the Time Lords. "New York growled at my window, but I was ready for it." The Doctor read from the book in his hands. "My stocking seams were straight, my lipstick was combat-ready, and I was packing cleavage that could fell an ox at twenty feet."

"Sweetheart." The Stone muttered not even looking away from her own book in her hands that rested on her very noticeable bump. It had been at least thirteen out of the eighteen months she would be pregnant for, to any human they might have guessed she looked six months pregnant. It had got to the point now where the Doctor wouldn't let her do anything by herself in fear of something happening to her or the child which was exactly the reason why they were sat in central park in new york and not running about on an alien planet. "You're doing it again."

"I'm reading!" He protested looking down at her.

"Aloud." Both Amy and the Time Lady replied together.

"Please could you not?" Amy added.

The Doctor squinted his eyes at Amy. "There's something different about you, isn't there?"

"What's the book?" Rory questioned.

"Melody Malone." He replied. "She's a private detective in old town New York."

Amy smirked slightly. "She's got ice in her heart and a kiss on her lips, and a vulnerable side she keeps well hidden."

"Oh, you've read it?" He asked the ginger human.

"You read it," Jenny added. "Aloud." She chuckled at her father. "And then went yowzah!"

"Only you could fancy someone in a book." Rory shook his head.

"I'm married." He protested, narrowing his eyes in defence. "And I'm reading it. I just like the cover."

"Ooo, can we see the cover?" Amy teased.

"No, no, I'm busy." The Stone chuckled and took the book from him looking at the cover before frowning.

"The woman looks a little like me when I was all Welsh."

"Oh yes." The Doctor nodded. "She does, doesn't she? Minus the curly hair of course."

"Doesn't look much like a Melody though." Jenny hummed.

"Can I see?" Amy asked.

The Doctor frowned at Amy and blinked. "It's your hair!" He frowned again slightly unsure. "Is it your hair?"

"Oh, shut up." She huffed. "It's the glasses. I'm wearing reading glasses now, on my nose, see?" She pointed at them. "There you go."

"I don't like them." He protested. "They make your eyes look all liney."

"Oh dear..." the Stone muttered forcing herself to sit up.

The Doctor lifted the glasses up as he looked closely at Amy before his eyes widened and he dropped the glasses back onto her nose. "No, actually, sorry. They're fine. Carry on."

"Okay, I'm going to go and get us some more coffee." Rory jumped up. "Who wants more coffee? Me too." He raised his hand just as the Doctor did as well. "I'll go!"

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