This can't be real, right?

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Did I mention how unnerving that smile was? Oh, well, it was very unnerving. It was quite a toothy smile, and I'm sure he didn't mean to scare me, but those pointy canines didn't help very much with making me feel safe... I backed up a little and backed right into his fingers. Right, still in his hand.. Totally didn't forget I was standing here. His smile faded a bit when he said,"Whoops, sorry kiddo. Forgot you weren't used to being around me for a second. I didn't mean to scare ya." "Uh, i-it's okay," I said, trying my best to at least respond; this all was so hard to take in all at once: the smog monster thingy and now this... I jumped when he sighed and said,"We both know that's not true kiddo. It's gonna take a while for you to even get remotely used to this." Kaine gestured to himself as he said that and, as down putting as it was to him, he was right.

...Wait, does that mean I'll be with him for a while? I was about to ask him the question when he brought me closer to his chest and started walking. It was a good thing that he did that, too, because I instantly fell over onto my side. He glanced down at me to make sure I was okay and continued looking where he was going. Other questions flooded my mind that I didn't think too deeply about before because I was so awestruck. 'Why wasn't he surprised that I knew his name? Does he really know who I am? If he's real, then the others... Must be? Is this all some elaborate dream? Could this all be real? Does he know that I created him? Whoa, that's a really strange concept to think about.. Me, a tiny being compared to a giant, being the creator of one... A surreal thought for sure.. Where is he headed? Could be his house, perhaps. Wow, my thoughts are weird. How long have I been thinking these questions? He seems to have stopped walking.... Are we at our destination? Yep, I definitely have weird thoughts.'

I looked up to see Kaine open a door and walk through it. I finally decided to sit up in his hand, still a bit worried that I might fall over. My questions still fogged my mind as he walked into what I assumed was the kitchen. I braced myself as he sat down and carefully slid me off his hand onto the table. We both just sat there in awkward silence for a while. Kaine seemed like he was about to say something, but I spoke up first. "Kaine, exactly how long will I be staying with you?.."

[A/N: Really short chapter, I know. I just like leaving cliffhangers to keep people guessing and on edge. I know I am always like: Nooooo!! WHY?! I WANT MOOOOREEEE STORYYY!! So yeah and also I wanted to get another chapter out and felt this was all this chapter needed. Also, I didn't want to write more at the moment as well as not knowing how to start the next paragraph... Welp, see you in the next chapter!! :) ]

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