5 // not edited // smut warning

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Title: The Party
Written by quantumshock on Tumblr.
Total words: 8520
Warning: contains smut.


Hiccup was a good boy.

At least that's what many people including himself believed given his outwardly innocent and sweet appearance. In fact to everyone's knowledge the skinny teen had never broken a rule in his life causing him to gain a reputation as something of an introverted and nerdy square, and his staggeringly good school grades and minuscule social circle only emphasised this stereotype. So great was the extent of his outward trustworthiness that he evoked in his family and few friends that when his father asked where he was going at seven PM on a Saturday night the massive police chief didn't think twice when the fifteen year old brunette calmly replied he was going for a sleepover at Astrid's house.
Now most parents when told their children are going for a sleepover will make inquiries about what time they will get there, what time they will be home and then contacting the respective persons parents to make sure the story checks out. And one would be forgiven in believing that Hiccup's father, a police chief no less would sniff out such information like a blood hound, instead however the ginger bearded goliath of muscle simply wished his son a good night and told him to give Astrid his best, Such was the reckless power of trust the unassuming brunette held over people.
The truth of the matter was that the story Hiccup had given his father before stepping out into the muggy summer evening heat was a half lie, while he was going to Astrid's house he was not sleeping over. In all honestly it was the closest thing to an actual lie the boy had ever told, and as such he trembled wildly with exuberance while walking down the street of his quaint neighbourhood lane.
Astrid's house was not far from where Hiccup lived and as such after leaving his street, crossing a main road and then slinking into a cul-de-sac the boy was swiftly rapping upon the bright red door of the girls modern brickwork house. It didn't take long for the teen to see through the fan shaped door window that someone was descending the stairs of the two bedroom abode, and soon enough the barrier swung open to reveal the beautifully styled blonde hair of the girl within.
"Hey Astrid."
"Hey Hiccup. What are you wearing!?" The girl giggled.
Hiccup looked down at his green t shirt, brown shorts and matching soft leather trainers worriedly, realising all too late that judging by Astrid's clothing he might of wanted to dress a little less casually.
"What, you think it's too scruffy?"
"No it's just it's very... um... you."
"You just gestured to all of me." The boy said blankly as Astrid stepped out into the hot and sticky evening air. The girl ignored Hiccup's reply as she closed the door to her house and straightened out her sleeveless red laced shirt and short brown skirt that teased her blue tights that ended at a pair of brown zip boots.
"Alright, my mum and dad won't be home until tomorrow. You ready fishbone?"
As ready as I'll ever be I guess."
"And you're sure about this?"
"Yes Astrid, I'm sure."
"Alright I was only making sure, it's your arse on the line remember. If you get busted I don't know you and you don't know me. Deal?"
"Okay. Come on then, we don't want to be late."
With that assurance the pair stepped over to the girls blue Astra sitting on the driveway, and after seat belting themselves the blonde turned the key starting the engine and pulled away slowly from the sloped concrete driveway. Astrid was a full two years older than Hiccup and as such had applied for driving lessons as soon as she hit sixteen, and by seventeen receiving her licence was gifted a car for her birthday. In retrospect it was unusual that she received a car given her behaviour in the past, and even more unusual was the age gap between the two very close friends.
Astrid and Hiccup had met a long time ago, back in their junior school days when the former started a fight on the playground with the latter over a skipping rope. Hiccup mused that it was odd to think that the fight they had at the time would result in a friendship lasting half a decade, but that's just how things sometimes go in life. When the two were taken to the heads office Astrid actually owned up to starting the fight and seemed to from then on view Hiccup as someone in need of protection given how little of a fight he had put up with the girl.
When Astrid left junior school for high school Hiccup was worried that his only friend would forget about him given that he was a full two years behind her, but sure enough they both stayed in contact and actually grew closer, something the brunette was immensely grateful for when he eventually entered the same high school as Astrid. The boys memories of high school were almost universally negative, with each day there being a torturous series of beatings, name callings and abuse aimed at him from the very start.
In the first few years this abuse carried on in secret with only Astrid wise to what was really happening in Hiccup's day to day life. What changed this situation drastically was when Hiccup, much to his regret consoled with someone who he thought at the time was a friend about his sexuality. What that person did next was to proceed and tell everyone one by one at lunchbreak that Hiccup didn't like girls, what followed next could only be described as a living nightmare.
The abuse Hiccup received amplified sevenfold from all sides to the point where he would often times hide under staircases or in the school library just to avoid people. This strategy worked for a while until a particularly malicious circle of bullies quite literally mapped out the boys hiding places and made a game of systematically searching each one during the lunchbreak. Eventually seeing Hiccup covered in bruises and oftentimes barely saying a word was pushing Astrid over the edge, and one summer afternoon after one particular incident she took matters into her own hands.
It was in the football quad that sat against the expansive school field that the two friends were talking quietly when the group of bullies found them. At first both ignored their catcalling and thrown pencils and rubbers, but it was when they entered the high fenced area that things took a turn. Astrid immediately put herself between Hiccup and the six bullies led by one vile deranged freak of nature, and this seemed to work as after ten minutes of directing their abuse at the blonde they appeared to disperse. But it was when Astrid was walking away that said deranged bully and leader of the group turned and exposing himself to the helpless brunette called out 'come on fag-cup! I'll let you suck it for free!' that Astrid, for lack of a better description, went utterly stark raving berserk.
What happened next has become something of a legend at the high school with certain embellishments in places of course. What Hiccup recalls is the sound of a savage blood curdling scream followed by Astrid diving at the group like a wild animal, causing the entire school field and playground to erupt into a surge of people surrounding the football quad. The fight was a six on one, with Astrid fighting quite literally tooth and nail with two girls and four boys, and as the fight progressed it became clear that Astrid was winning. To the entire school watching outside the spectacle must of seemed like a cage match, with some of the bullies trying to scale the fence to escape, only to be dragged back by the blonde maniac. It was like watching a lion in a cage with six zebra's, and indeed when Astrid's face became covered in blood both from excessive biting and received punches it look like something from the discovery channel.
Eventually the fight was only broken up when four teachers barged their way through the cheering crowds and physically restrained the blood covered blonde while the gravely maimed bullies cowered away in fear. Hiccup felt so guilty when they suspended Astrid for two weeks but during that time no one dared so much as look at Hiccup funny, and indeed when the girl returned she assured her brunette friend that he had nothing to be sorry for. When Astrid left school and applied for college her legacy of fear stuck, and so well known was her story that she became something of a bogeyman 'Don't hurt Hiccup or Astrid will find you' was the common thing whispered among bully circles after she left.
That was a year ago to the day and now Astrid was enrolled at college studying to be a professional football player while Hiccup was sitting his last exams before continuing from school onto college. But despite how much Hiccup's life had improved since Astrid's intervention the boy, for all intensive purposes was intolerably bored. One of the major downsides to being a conformist was the seemingly endless lack of excitement that came from breaking rules, something that the teen was finding increasingly intolerable. Astrid on the other hand was the polar opposite to Hiccup, the girl was a rule breaker, troublemaker and frequently was in fights and detained by police. So it was with an odd kind of eagerness that when the girl a few weeks ago hinted at a party being held by her college friends that Hiccup practically bit her hand off asking for her help getting in.
The blonde, while revelling in her younger friends sudden rebellious streak was at first reluctant, insisting that Hiccup barely passes as his actual age of a fifteen year old, let alone trying to convince a room of adults he was even older. Despite these barriers however the desperate brunette pressed and pressed his friend stopping just short of begging before the boyish blonde caved and agreed to get him in. And so here they were, after ten minutes of driving down the main road to the more wealthy area of town and Hiccup insisting he was okay with doing this that they pulled up outside a large detached house with music and laughter thumping from the extravagant brickwork.
Hiccup was visibly shaking with nerves at the prospect of not only breaking multiple rules and laws but also with the idea of being in an enclosed space with multiple people he didn't know. Astrid was quick to notice this as she cut the engine and put a hand on the boys shoulder reassuringly.
"Hey, you okay?"
"Yeah it's just... you know what people are like... with someone like me-"
"Hiccup. Trust me, people at collage are waaay different to people at high school. You'll be fine. Just get a drink and do whatever naughty stuff you want to do and get it out of your system you little rebel. And if you're scared or had enough come find me and we'll get out of there. Alright?"
Hiccup nodded, feeling immensely reassured by his friends words. "Alright."
The pair stepped out of the car with Astrid locking the doors with the key button before making their way up the concrete path to the front door where the bass now thumped and made the wooden porch shake violently. Astrid straightened her hair one last time before punching the door heavily three times to be heard over the music, with a tall, lean man eventually answering them.
"Hey Bunny!"
"Alright Arse-strid." The man teased back as his eyes scanned over to Hiccup curiously.
"Who's that blondie?"
"Oh this is Hiccup, someone from college I know." The boy smiled a goofy grin through Astrid's white lie as the man scanned him up and down.
"Alrighty, come on in. Beers in the kitchen."
Astrid And Hiccup stepped into the hallway of a very posh looking house, and immediately the noise of Last Friday Night thundering from the double speakers in the living room to the right was monumentally loud. The stairs in front of the door were covered in people drinking from cups of beer with some making out on the bannister, and some kind of library or study to the left was being used as a quite room for people to recuperate or black out before heading back into the massive scrum of people populating the living room that joined with the kitchen.
"Ah shit I need a piss, you'll be okay for a while right? I won't be a minute."
"Yeah sure Astrid I'll um... I'll go crack open a cold one."
"Hahaha! Hiccup please, never say that again, oh my god!" Astrid chuckled as Hiccup did his best to sound hip and cool.
"Yeah yeah alright, I'll see you in a minute."
Astrid quickly raced upstairs past the smooching lovebirds as Hiccup pushed his way into the claustrophobic living room towards the rear of the house. The sight of such a small boy wading through groups of half drunk college kids was pretty hilarious to say the least, with the brunette at least three inches smaller than most people present. It was only when he made his way finally into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of beer that he started to somewhat blend in, but even then amidst a crowd of dancers, passed out boys and half naked girls he stood out like a sore thumb.
What Hiccup realised immediately was that he was in fact in a situation where he could actually have a drink freely, that's not to say that his father despite his job hadn't slipped him a bottle now and then at home but this was the first time in his life the boy had access to alcohol totally unsupervised. Hiccup felt a wonderful shiver rush down his back, a sensation he had come to realise was from breaking well established rules, and with a shaking hand he brought the cup to his lips and in a moment of youthful madness downed it in one.
The way that the brunette knocked back the drink so quickly was surprising to say the least, and from the other side of the kitchen beyond a passed out blonde man a pair of girls were using as a net for their game of beer pong two boys quickly took notice of the small teen that had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. The pair were practically identical in facial and body features, with the only way to tell them apart being their clothes, one with a blue hoodie and the other a grey shirt, and the hair colour of which the blue hoodied boys was snow white, while the other possessed a head of chestnut brown.
"Hey Jackson, check him out! What do you make of that?"
The brown haired boy took a sip from his cup before replying to his brother slyly.
"A cutie that needs some attention."
Both twins smiled at each other knowingly before refilling their drinks, taking a confidence gulp and making a carnal approach on their prey standing at the other end of the room. Hiccup had just finished his second cup of beer and was pouring his third with a steadied hand when he felt a gentle tap on his left shoulder, and turning quickly his eyes were filled with the predatory smiles of two eighteen year old twins, one with eyes of icy blue, the other a deep sensual brown.
Both boys surveyed the little teen before them with ravenous eyes, drinking in his long well combed brunette hair, big innocent forest green eyes fitted into a face of freckles and his goofy, unimaginably cute crooked teeth. Both Jack and Jackson could sense each others reaction to the short boy before them without so much as a word, in one of those strange unspoken shared feelings only siblings can understand before the white haired Jack broke the ice.
"You keep up like that and there won't be any left for us."
Hiccup's face took on a worried expression as he realised these two were probably the owners of the house and the ones who bought the beer.
"Oh god I'm sorry I- I just thought that-"
"Woa woa buddy Jack was only joking, you seem real nervous."
Jackson chucked while he placed a hand on Hiccup's shoulder as his white haired brother flanked the teen and leaned against the countertop casually.
"M-me!? No I'm just uh... tense you know! I've had a lot of um... assignments to finish."
"Haha tell me about it-" Jack cut in as he leaned in a little closer than required into Hiccup's ear. "Me and Jackson feel like zombies with all these papers. But if you're that tense grab a beer and we'll head inside to relax."
Hiccup blinked twice in disbelief before excitedly yelling over the music "Yeah, sure!" as he topped up his cup and allowed Jack to lead him into the living room with a hand behind his back, the man motioning to his brother to bring the entire keg of eighteen cans with him. When the three pushed their way over to the leather couch against the wall they found it occupied by a number of people, with both arm rests acting as a seat for half high, half drunk teens to make out on and the cushioned seats being held by Bunny who was stretched out over all three decadently.
"Oi Bunny, shift your arse. I wanna sit down."
"And why should I do that snowflake?"
Because it's my couch cottontail and our friend here needs a place to sit."
"Alright don't get your undies in a bunch..."
The ozzie man pulled himself up and proceeded to shove a staggering girl out of the way as he crossed into the mosh pit in the middle of the room to dance. Left with a place to chill Hiccup sat on the middle cushion flanked on the right by the white haired boy and the brown on the left. Sensing that Hiccup was the quiet type after an extended silence Jackson took his turn to seize the initiative and start a conversation as he sipped his beer.
"So what's your name man?"
"U-Ugh Hiccup."
"Hiccup huh, is that like a nickname or...?"
"Oh no it's um, a really, really old family name. Traditional thing."
Hiccup took a gulp from his cup which was immediately refilled by a can Jack was holding from the pack of eighteen resting on the floor.
"I've never seen you around before, what course are you on at college?"
Hiccup was suddenly faced with a question that he had no honest answer to, and knowing he would have to be carful with the lies he told he began to flesh out a make believe life to the boys.
"Oh I'm studying um... engineering."
"Engineering! Cool Aster did that for a while before going into art, what class are you in?"
Hiccup was now in a very dangerous corner that he would have to think through carefully, and in the few seconds of silence he could keep without appearing suspicious he raked his brain to think of an answer. Worryingly he could not ultimately provide one, but in a moment of brilliance that was thanks in no small part to the relaxing effect of alcohol he was able to give a deflective reply.
"I forgot the room, it's just in that bit, you know... with all the other engineering stuff."
"Oh in the workshops near where we are? By C two and three?"
"Yeah that's it." Hiccup lied.
"Oh cool, that's right near where we are, we're studying childcare. So um, how old are you?"
Double crap.
Hiccup knew he barely looked fifteen, let alone sixteen or older but yet again the booze in his stomach allowed him to keep his cool and create another lie.
"Really!?" Jack yelled as he looked over to his brother, who spoke in a shocked voice. They didn't seem to particularly care that he was too young to drink but then again most of the revellers in the room probably were not either.
"You really don't look seventeen."
"Yeah haha, I get that a lot." The nervous teen downed another large gulp of fizzy beer to calm himself as the twins smiled at the boys extreme shyness. Both were yet to establish if Hiccup was interested in their advances or even if he understood they were hitting on him, causing Jackson to eventually ramp up the pressure on the small teen.
"Well then Hiccup if you need to relieve some stress then there's a friend I need to introduce you to..." The boy reached down the side of the couch to eventually procure a tall green bottle of Whiskey. "His name is James, and he's real eager to meet you." The boy smiled before taking the cup from Hiccup's fingers and knocking the drink back before refilling it with a small amount of the amber liquid from the bottle. Hiccup smelled the tiny amount of liquor and was instantly repulsed by the almost clinical like burning odour it possessed, and when he gingerly took his first sip this was amplified sevenfold as his mouth and throat felt like it had been set on fire.
"Holy shit! What's in that stuff!?" The boy rasped half chocked by the violent burn of the drink now dancing in his throat.
"Pure refined Irish Devil nectar." Jackson joked as he doubled the contents of the boys cup.
The conversation involving the three continued for quite some time as the hour dragged on, the bottle of Jameson slowly drained and all three boys grew more and more intoxicated. Hiccup now and then scanned the room for Astrid who was yet to reappear, eventually forgetting all together about the girl as the two hot twins slinked closer and closer to him in an effort to amplify his shy mannerisms. Eventually Jack ended up with an arm around the brunette with Jackson resting a hand on the teens thigh, both acts causing the now tipsy boy to flush red in the cheeks.
"So Hiccup, when are you gonna admit you think we're hot?"
Jack's question threw the boy off completely and feeling himself growing an even deeper shade of tomato stumbled over his words clumsily.
"Uh I- um, I-I don't erm... I mean-" Hiccup trailed off as he felt Jackson shift next to him before meeping softly to the sensation of lips touching his neck and teeth gently rolling his ear around between them lovingly. Jack smiled at Hiccup's reaction and moved in like his brother to kiss the boys rosy freckled cheeks softly as the teen quivered with frigid delight.
"G-guys there's p- people watching..." Hiccup desperately moaned as he felt Jackson's hand slide up towards his crotch, an alien sensation that only he had known in private moments with his own body.
"Then let 'em-" Jack whispered as his brother nibbled the teens jawline "No one cares buttercup, and they love a good show. Especially when someone as cute as you is gettin' action."
"B-buttercup? R-really?" Hiccup moaned.
"Mhmm, really. Because you're so sweet and tender. Aaand I'm going to make you melt in. My. Hands." Jack purred into his ear.
"Oh fuck... Oh fuck..." Hiccup whimpered as the twins worked him over teasingly, eventually looking to one another with a growing acknowledgement of intention as they observed something poking out from the boys shorts.
"How about you, me and Jackson find a place a bit more... secluded buttercup?"
Hiccup looked at Jack with glazed over and watery eyes as his heart pounded with excitement, disregarding the rational portion of his thoughts before smiling nervously giving the boy the answer he wanted. Without saying a word Jack motioned with his eyes for Jackson to follow him, and taking Hiccup's hand into his own Jack led the brunette through the crowd of dancers, up the stairs besieged by kissing teens and into his own bedroom on the far left of the balcony.
The room consisted of a blue sheeted double bed on the far wall and a small night table with a lava lamp on top of it, flanked on the left by a large curtained window and walk in cupboard to the right. Despite its size the room was by no means sparse and was filled with shelves of DVD's, Comics, posters and even some toys to name a few objects as Hiccup was softly pushed onto the bed by Jack. Jackson arrived shortly after with his drink and a key which he promptly used to lock the door, shutting out any would be interruptions and softening the noise of Only Girl In The World to a tolerable level.
Now left completely alone with the two Hiccup felt a trembling shudder creep up his body at the thought of what was imminently going to happen as Jackson toned down the lighting of the room to a moody glow. As he began removing his shoes Hiccup's responsible and sober self was saying he should stop now before he gets into trouble, not only for drinking but for the fact that he was actually too young to be doing what he thought was about to happen, but the drunk, carefree side of him was begging to let this dream come true play out no matter how much trouble he could get into. And sure enough as the twins eventually came over and renewed their sensual playing Hiccup chose the latter option, and shivered as the boys gently pushed him down onto the sheets and mapped out his body with their lips.
"You've never done this before, have you buttercup." Jack more stated than asked as the teen shuddered in delight.
"N-no, never."
"Not even kissed!?" Jackson asked amazed to which Hiccup shook his head, causing both twins to dive back into their motions with renewed purpose.
"Well then," Purred Jack "Me and my brother will just have to make this extra special for you won't we?"
Softly and with subtlety Jack rolled onto Hiccup's small frame and snaked his hands up Hiccup's shirt toying with the boys soft chest, before lifting it off entirely revealing a hairless and skinny body dotted with freckles. Jack leaned up and removed his hoodie slowly letting Hiccup take in the topography of his chest, the boy was fit enough that there was some muscle definition but nothing too extreme, a perfect mix in Hiccup's opinion. Jackson followed suit in removing his shirt so that all three boys were bare chested allowing the twins to press their hot skins against Hiccup's beneath them as he whimpered helplessly.
The twins divided the boys body between them evenly, with Jack rolling his tongue against and kissing Hiccup's chest while Jackson pulled him into a deep French kiss. Jack bit down on Hiccup's cute and tiny pink nipples as Jackson swallowed his soft moans and dived deep into his mouth, tasting the booze and feeling his shuddering breath with each stroke of his wet muscle as he ran fingers through that youthful brown hair. Hiccup was now fully hard with the other two boys not far behind him, and noticing this Jack rolled his fingers over Hiccup's shorts and swooped them down revealing the brunettes pants.
"Ohh dragon pants. You packin' somethin' big down there buttercup?" The boy teasingly quizzed as he removed the teens shoes.
"W- Why don't you find out for yourself hot stuff?" Was Hiccup's cheesy but first real flirtatious reply, causing Jackson to giggle while he kissed and bit Hiccup's neck with renewed determination. With this overconfident invitation Jack rolled his fingers beneath the elasticated band of Hiccup's pants and removed them swiftly, causing their owner to grow solemnly bashful as his neat and sparse lower hairs were revealed. Now fully nude Hiccup felt Jack grind against him with six inches of desire that screamed for relief, something that Jack was slowly realising as the brunette took his head into his hands to hold him in a sloppy, inexperienced kiss.
"Jackson, could you do the honours?" The boy quizzed, to which his brother smiled and reaching over to the bedside table turned on the lamp before opening the drawer and procuring a square packet and tall tube of anomalous liquid. Hiccup despite his age knew fully well what each items were as the packet was opened and the contents rolled onto Jack's six inch manhood as the man squeezed the tube of gel onto his index finger.
"Just relax buttercup, okay?"
The brunette nodded to Jack as his brother slipped underneath Hiccup's back so to comfort the tiny boy as the snowy teen rubbed his entrance.
"You said you've never done this before Hiccup?" Jackson quizzed while rolling his thumb over the teens hardened peaks.
"No. N-never..." Hiccup responded worriedly as Jack smiled up to him between gentle rubbing motions.
"Well don't worry, my brother's really good at this stuff. Trust me, he's going to make you feel amazing."
"Do you... need a minute in the toilet buttercup?" Asked Jack curiously, to which Hiccup embarrassingly responded that he had gone before coming to the party, causing Jack to smile slyly as he applied pressure to Hiccup's virgin opening.
Describing the feelings, the thoughts and sensations Hiccup experienced in the next ten seconds would be quite impossible for anyone who has not experienced them first hand. Needless to say with a chorus of sultry moans and whimpering purrs Jack slipped his slickened digit into the boy beneath him, earning a loud and involuntary cry of shocked joy to resonate around the room. With his finger fully inserted the white haired man sought out the holy grail of massage spots within the brunette, making steady 'come here' strokes with his finger when he found it, sending the teen into a frenzy of worshipful, involuntary cries.
This session of gentle rubbing continued for some time as Jackson rested Hiccup's head between his legs, revelling in his expressions of delight and euphoric smiles before finally he encouraged his brother to move on to the main event.
"Come on Jack, buttercup is practically begging for it."
Jack smiled softly as he pulled his finger out of the teen and lined his manhood up to the boys massaged and tingling insides, watching Hiccup's expression travel from one of frustrated withdrawal to shocked and timid anticipation which egged him on indescribably. The man grinned dominantly as he pressed his tip into the young brunette beneath him, relishing the sight of his bulging emerald eyes as he placed the skinny boys legs onto his shoulders and rubbed them soothingly.
"Wow, so smooth. Do you shave your legs buttercup?"
"Y-yeah." Hiccup lied, knowing full well he hadn't grown any leg hair, let alone shaved it.
"Oh, that's kinky." Jack purred as he pushed deeper into the tantalisingly slick insides of the boy under him, eventually reaching the hilt and twizzling the boys nipples between his fingers like radio dials as he addressed his brother.
Hey Jackson..." The white haired boy finger gunned his twin between Hiccup's needy panting before finishing his sentence in a hushed, teasing voice. "Gimme a beastly beat to bang buttercup's butt to."
"Was that an Iron Man reference?"
The brown haired brother rolled his eyes as he reached for a remote on the bed and turned on the huge plasma TV mounted on the wall next to the door. The boy cycled through playlists as Jack sat impatiently throbbing inside Hiccup's hole, Eventually stopping on Another One Bites The Dust.
"Hell no Jackson, too old fashioned."
"Well then what do you suggest Romeo?"
The snowy caped boy pondered for a moment, before remembering a catchy, rhythmic song he heard that would do just fine for the situation.
"What about that one from Overwatch? You know the one you found a ten minute loop of?"
"Really? That one?" Jackson raised his eyebrows doubtfully.
"Hey! It will do. Besides, it's catchy."
Jackson sighed as he cycled through the playlist of music before landing on the song Jack was referring to, with the boy instantly thrusting in motion to it's thumping bass as soon as the beat began emitting from the large wall mounted speakers. Hiccup recognised it immediately as Jack began making love to him, and the boy mused that he would never be able to play that game again without thinking of this moment, a fact he was absolutely fine with.
As Jackson turned up the song drowning out Macklemore downstairs mid chorus the lights grew even dimer, and suddenly the lava lamp that sat on Jack's bedside table turned the ceiling and Jack's body into a river of blue and red plasma that danced in kaleidoscopic murals. Indeed even as Jackson pulled Hiccup's head to the side so that he could push his member into the teens mouth Hiccup watched the hypnotic motions of those otherworldly globes of light dancing across Jack's body in stunned fascination as the man began to massage his legs with both hands tightly gripping them.
The twined teens thrust into Hiccup in time with the repetitive synth beat coming from the TV, admiring the boys shift from soft innocent moans to load, decadent cries as Jackson drilled the teens throat and Jack pounded his G-spot. Hiccup had explored his body before but had never discovered the enchanting place that Jack was now rubbing against sending him to nirvana, and as a result the brunette made a desperate reach for his own six inches that swung in time to the man's thrusts.
No sooner had the teen grabbed it and began pumping towards sweet release that Jackson took both his hands into his own and restrained him, cruelly denying the boy the orgasm he so desperately needed.
"Woa, not so fast buttercup."
"J-Jackson... please..." Hiccup begged as his length dribbled pre onto his stomach, to which Jack only giggled before pouring a shot of Whiskey into the boys bellybutton and slurping it up, Precum and all. Hiccup, feeling the hot burn of embarrassment on his face tried to bury his head in Jackson's stomach, which only caused the boy to steal the bottle of whiskey from his brother and coo into Hiccup's soft hair gently.
"Aww, I think someone needs more confidence juice..."
Jackson lifted Hiccup's head up and slid the bottleneck into his mouth, thrusting it back and forth simulating a blowjob and making mouthfuls of alcohol roll into the brunettes throat forcing him to swallow. Hiccup made gagging noises as the burning liquor slipped down his gullet followed up quickly by the squishy length of Jackson's manhood riding deep into his throat, this action forcing the boys nose into Jackson's trimmed nether hair to breathe in the sinful must of adultery. Jackson swiftly took up the same rhythm of his brother again who was still mercilessly pounding the teens tingling innards to the thumping electro beat, with the chestnut haired brother rapidly entwining Hiccup's fingers in his own to prevent the boy from masturbating.
After what felt like an eternity of blissful elation shared by all three boys and an increased state of drunkenness the older two reached their sexual limit simultaneously, and in a series of primal miss matched thrusts they emptied themselves into the tiny teens orifices. Hiccup's premature cherry was popped to the sound of animalistic grunting, childish meeping, soft sensual panting and Lucio's 'Rejuvenescencia' as both twins filled their respective hole with white, queerly flavoured liquid that slithered into every deep, untouched crevice.
Hiccup, much to his own disbelief came freely, without aid or stimulation as the lightening inducing thrusts of Jack complimented with the dominating face fuck at the hands of Jackson launched his psyche over a cliff of euphoric bliss. Hiccup fired shot upon shot onto himself in spasmodic thrusts creating a pool in his belly button as Jack flooded his insides with hot and sticky love juice. Simultaneously his brother force fed him the same thick salty substance directly into his mouth where the teen rolled it around on his tongue before swallowing submissively and sucking on the boys throbbing magic stick like a pacifier.
Jack leaned in and licked up the puddle of gooey mess on Hiccup's stomach before pulling out and kissing the shaking teen, Quickly rolling out his tongue as Jackson joined in to create a sloppy three way French kiss. Hiccup lay in a state of paraplegic bliss as the twins cleaned themselves up, pulled up their pants and donned their tops before gently redressing the teen on the bed between affectionate stolen kisses and whispers of reassurance and smiles.
"So buthercup be honest..." Jack slurred now feeling the taint of booze hitting him hard. "Wh'ch one of us fuck'd you bedder?"
Hiccup was equally inebriated and was barely able to stand up properly as he fell into Jack's embrace.
"You w're both amashing!"
"Aw shit!" Exclaimed Jackson as he picked up his nearly empty bottle of Whiskey. "Dat means we gotta do dish again sumtime butter-Hiccup!" Jackson rapidly pulled out his mobile phone, an action quite ironic considering his next statement.
"Shack! Give the hottie tottie yur phone numberella..."
Jackson proceeded to stagger before passing out out and falling onto the bed behind him, leaving his mildly more sober brother to exchange details with Hiccup.
"Lightweight. Oh-kay flubberbutt, com' 'ear, I'll write me number on ya..." Jack took a pen from his table and scrawled as best he could his mobile contact, followed by a love heart and three X's to represent kisses on the boys lower stomach to which Hiccup did his best to do also with his own number. In Hiccup's near catatonic state he was barely able to kiss the boy goodbye before Jack stole the key from his unconscious brother and fumbling with the door lock released the glowing boy back into the house with a swooning sigh.
Hiccup staggered in a misty stupor towards the stairs carrying a beaming smile of satisfaction on his face, once and a while leaning too far to the left and impacting the corridor wall. Through the haze of intoxication that now held sway over his brain the boy saw a familiar blonde haired girl through the watery mist of dancers and drinkers, and sure enough as he approached the golden head said blonde turned and swiftly darted to Hiccup's side.
Astrid rapidly propped her young friend up as she took in the state he was in; The boys normally flat and combed brunette hair now stuck up like a birds nest, his shirt was on back to front and oddly his shorts were inside out with his pocket watch dangling by its chain next to his knee. The brunette smiled up to the girls face cheerfully as he did his best to string together a complete sentence.
"Hai Hashtrid... V'ere you been all dish time?"
The Blonde and very experienced drinker, though looking identical to how she did on the way in addressed the boy with the same slurring tone he had given her so a moment ago.
"S-Shorry Hiccup. When I cam' out the bashroom thish girl from class pulled me into a bedrum. Sheesh a lesbo ans we kissed for a bit 'n got some beer, didn't do anyfing though. Where you been all shish time?"
The pair staggered over to the balcony rail and leaned onto it for support as they endeavoured to translate each others almost alien language.
"Met dees two guysh in the kitchen, I fink it's there house. We 'ad some drink and went int' their bedroom-"
At that exact moment when Hiccup was going to spill the sultry details his voice was overruled by that of a very mature sounding man downstairs, And as the teen turned his head to see the source of the noise his face instantly dropped in horror.
Standing in full unifrom straddling the doorway into the house was the man who Hiccup's father teasingly referred to as Gobber, the fat, frank speaking family friend who earned his name from his bad habit of spitting everywhere he went. What the man bellowed above The Wanted's Glad You Came Hiccup would never know for sure, but what the boy caught over the sound of shocked drunks and thumping speakers was 'something, something... POLICE!'
Now Hiccup was normally a well behaved person up until this night, but the influence of unshackled recklessness combined with a stomach full of alcohol caused the teen to act without thinking. And so in an act that the boy would forever regret he leaned over the balcony so to amplify his voice, and in a brilliant moment of word association he bellowed at a volume incredible given his age and size;
Causing everyone in the house to join in.
And so the scene set before Gobber was one of an ocean of drunk children chanting 'fuck the police!' to his face, to which the man yelled over the music something about everyone being under arrest. It took merely two seconds for that word to panic everyone in the house into an impromptu mannequin challenge, as if by some miracle, like a T-rex the officer wouldn't notice them if they stayed still. The shocked and motionless silence that lasted for a fleeting eternity was broken finally by the Aussie known as Bunny, who in full view of the officer grabbed a bottle of Vodka, smashed it on the floor violently before screaming at the top of his lungs "SCATTER!"
At that audio que the entire gathering of college teens scattered like roaches in the sunlight, with many scurrying out the windows, through the back yard, barging past the screaming cop and even some of the more drunk individuals attempting to climb up the chimney flue in the study with limited success. Astrid took Hiccup in her hand and in the mad scrum pulled the boy with her as she lept over the balcony and down into the hallway, rapidly shoving him towards the back door of the house. In the urgent stampede Hiccup staggered out of the clogged backdoor into the garden where people were scrambling over the fence wildly, but oddly Hiccup's first thought was not of their immediate escape but how they would make a getaway.
"As'rid!... Wosh... about... the car!?" The boy panted as he frantically ran across the trimmed lawn with his watch dangling behind him.
"Fuq the car! I'll geht it... later. We'll... run home!"
The boy didn't argue as the pair approached the far wooden fence of the garden which stood twice as tall as Hiccup, the teen was undeterred by its imposing size however as he tried to keep his unzipped shorts up by holding them at the belt. Astrid, being much more physically fit than Hiccup reached the fence first and was swiftly atop it holding out an arm for the brunette, and mustering all the strength he had, the boy propelled himself at the planked barrier while stretching out a hand to the girl reaching for him desperately.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2017 ⏰

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