Chapter 5 : (Syo x Tokiya)

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Chapter 5 : Syo x Tokiya

--This takes place when Natsuki dragged Ittoki out of the infirmary--

(Tokiya POV)

A/N: Hehe.. This is the very rare Ichinose Tokiya POV ♥

After the ruckus that those two guys had caused, I let the other blonde haired guy whose name I can't remember to drag the red head puppy like boy out of the infirmary to settle things for themselves. It's quite amusing actually to see the red head staring at me with pleading eyes as he got dragged out.

Just when I thought I can finally relax when they left, a rustling sound could be heard from one of the beds. "Urgh... Where am I?" A boyish voice called out. Walking over to where the voice comes from, I saw a petite slim boy glancing around his surroundings in alarm.

Clearing my throat on purpose, he looked up at me instantly. "What class are you in?" My voice was void of any emotions while holding a clipboard up in one hand, going through the class lists to verify if he's one of the students here.

"Class 4...?" He frowned at me but still answered my question nonetheless. "What's your name?" He looked like he wanted to say something else but decided against it. "Kurusu Syo." I gave him a slight nod and flipped through the pages of different class lists until I reached Year 1 class 4. Scanning the names quickly, I couldn't find Kurusu Syo in there. "Are you a student here?" He seemed outrage by my question and quickly shot up from the bed, glaring at me. "Of course I am! Can't you see I'm wearing the school uniform here?!"

I ignored his outburst and buried my nose back into the clipboard again, searching for his name. Unable to find his name no matter how many times I looked through, I sighed tiredly while pinching the bridge of my nose; a habit that acts up whenever I'm feeling irritated at something. "Sorry, but your name is not in the list." I stated simply.

"What?! Maybe your class lists are outdated or something? It's impossible that my name is not there!" He eyed the clipboard in my hand, tempted to snatch it and see the truth for himself. "Or perhaps you should stop lying and tell me who's your older sibling and I can inform them to come and get you. I will not report you for trespassing on school grounds since you're still a kid." Hearing the word kid seemed to set off some bomb inside of him as he threw the blanket off him and climbed down the bed.

"I double dare you to repeat what you say again you judgemental prick!" He grabbed the collar of my white robe, pulling my face closer to his till our bodies are inches apart.

Brushing his hands off me, I simply turned my icy gaze onto him, his figure shuddering slightly under my stare. "I understand that you're still a kid but if you continue your disrespect to me, I might report you as a trespasser." He snorted at my words as if to say 'like I care' and folded his arms while staring out the window.

This is why I hate kids. They are such a hassle with a very big attitude problem. Checking him out from head to toe, I'm quite sure that he's not a student here. The uniform is like 3 sizes bigger and it's baggy and loose on his scrawny frame.

Which means the uniform he’s wearing does not belong to him. Even his boyish face and voice is an indication that puberty has not hit him yet. Nodding at my assumption, the gears in my head started to turn as I wondered what to do with him.

"I will go and make an announcement to see if you have any siblings here to come and pick you up. Stay here quietly and don't create any ruckus." I turned to exit the infirmary but he tugged the sleeve of my robe, stopping me in my tracks. "W-Wait! I really am a student here. You got to believe me!"

Supressing the urge to pinch my nose again, I prayed to whatever merciful being up there to stop torturing me with this kid. I already had my hands full earlier on with that red head. "I will not say it again but -" I couldn't finished my sentence when my eyes made contact with his. He stared at me earnestly, as if begging me with his eyes to believe him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2015 ⏰

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