Chapter 2 (Ittoki and Tokiya)

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(Ittoki POV)

I watched Syo snoring loudly on the infirmary bed and smiled in amusement at his sleeping figure. Both of his hands are stretched above his head while his legs are wide apart. I can even see saliva drooling down the side of his mouth which made me shaked my head in disapproval. Each time I pulled the blanket up to cover him, one of his legs would kicked it down the floor. After several tries of me covering him up with the blanket and him always kicking it off. I gave up with a sigh and slumped into the chair beside the bed.

With absolutely nothing to do other than staring at Syo, flashbacks of the previous incident in the classroom flashed through my mind.

That bastard of a teacher actually made Syo faint and it's all his fault! I will never forgive that Nat or whatever Ki for hurting MY Syo!

Unconsciously, my hands balled up into a fist and clenched so hard till my palms started to bleed. I was mentally fuming inside till I heard the click of the door which bought me back to my senses and I straightened my back to look somewhat presentable.

Stepped in was a male about my height and his hair is a matching color with his eyes. He wore a white robe and a name tag is attached to the mini pocket on his chest. Imprinted on it is a name, Ichinose Tokiya. "What business do you have here, boy?" The infirmary doctor stared at me suspiciously, checking me out with his eyes if I'm some delinquent student who skipped classes all the time.

His calculative stare made me squirmed a little in my seat as it felt like his deep sea blue eyes are piercing me. "I'm here for-" He cut me off rudely. "What happened to your hands?" He pointed to my bleeding palms.

"What?" I raised my hands and turned them towards me. My eyes grew wide as saucers when I saw a small stream of blood trickling down my palms. "Wha- H-H-How did this happened?!" As if on cue, a wave of dizziness washed over me and my legs felt jello-wobbly at the sight of blood. To say the truth, I actually have a phobia of blood which kind of made me think that I'm such a weak faggot. That's why I never tell anyone about this phobia of mine other than Syo.

As I continued to stare at my bloodied hands, my legs finally gave out on me and I was sure my butt is going to kiss the floor really hard. I was expecting the sharp pain to shot through my butt. Instead, I was greeted by a pair of warm arms wrapping around my waist to keep me from falling.

Shocked by his actions that he would actually save me from the literal 'pain in my ass', I looked up and my fiery red eyes clashed with his deep sea blue ones. My lips pulled up to a big wolfish grin thinking that he's not that bad afterall. "Thanks a lot, Mister!" He simply dismissed my words of gratitude with a click of his tongue and put some distance between us.

"You should be more careful. Don't expect someone to save you next time." He stated cooly and my body shivered from his icy gaze. Regaining my previous composure, I shrugged off his words like it doesn't bother me at all. "Thanks for the advice then. Doctor." I smirked a little when I know I'd ticked him off abit since he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Minutes of awkwardness passed by and he finally stalked off to gather some things in the infirmary. Seeing this as my cue to leave, I turned away from him and headed towards the exit. Just when my left foot is a step away from the door, he called out to me. "Wait." Just hearing that single word, I turned around and stared at him puzzled. Why would he hold me back when he looks like he wanted to get rid of me quickly? As if reading my mind, he spoke up which clear all the doubts in my head. "Your hands. They need to be treated."

I wanted to tell him it's fine and walked off but he wouldn't give me the chance to do so when he pulled me along with him. His long slender fingers encased one of my wrists as he led me along. Out of a sudden, he stopped and turned around to face me. Staring up at him confused, he grabbed both of my shoulders roughly and pushed me down on a chair. "Sit." Was all he said then he went off to grab some tools and medicine that I saw him taking earlier on.

He returned shortly after with cotton buds in hand and started dipping some sort of antiseptic on it. "Raise your hands out." His tone brooked no argument and I followed what he said like an obedient kid. In the corner of my eyes, I spotted his lips twitching slightly like he wanted to smile but trying his hardest to suppress it. 'Awww.. Isn't that cute? Mr. straight face trying not to smile.' I thought to myself but mentally slapped myself when I realize that I'm calling another male cute other than Syo!

My train of thoughts were interrupted when my hands got that stinging pain and I hissed at it. He heard my hisses of pain but acted nonchalant and continued dabbing away at my wounds.

"It hurts! Please stop it already!" I whined pathetically yet he acted like he didn't hear me. So, I tried to retract my hands from him but his reflex was faster than mine and he managed to grabbed both of my wrists in one hand, refusing to let me go no matter how hard I struggled. In order to stop me from moving about, he sat on my lap, straddling my hips. "W-what are you doing?! Let go of me!!" My face heated up from the close proximity of our bodies. Moreover, this position looked so wrong! The more I struggled, the more our 'bananas' rubbed against each other and I gasped at the shots of pleasure wrecking through my body.

I was about to bite him in the hand if he continue to hold me against my will when all of a sudden, a loud sound startled both of us together. 'BANG!' The door crashed open with a loud boom, causing both me and Mr. Ichinose to looked up...

---End of Chapter---

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Uta Shounen Ai. (BoyxBoy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon