Chapter 4 : (Ittoki x Syo)

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A/N : Hehe, thanks for all of the support which made me hanging till this day!

Chapter 4 : Ittoki x Syo

-Ittoki POV-

I watched blonde bastard walked away as he gave me the biggest 'WTF' moment. I mean, doesnt he want to hit me and teach me a lesson? Then why would he just walked off like that? Shaking my head to snap me out of the multiple questions left unanswered, I stared at the spot he just punched and saw a little dent on the floor. Shuddering at it, I thank the gods above that at least I was not on the receiving end of his punch.

Glancing at my watch, I found out that an hour had passed. Perhaps Syo has already woken up? Eager to see Syo, I rushed back to the infirmary and saw him sitting up on the bed, sulking. Cautiously, I made my way over to him. Rule no. 1 - Never pissed Syo off.

Unsure of what to say to him after he's awake, I coughed loudly to gain his attention. Instantly, he looked up at me, his foul expression changed to one that resembles an excited kid. "Ittoki! You're finally here!" Jumping out of the bed, he run towards me and hugged me. His arms wrapped around my neck and I almost stumble backwards from the impact of him running into me. With the close proximity of his body to mine, I could feel every inch of his supple and petite body against me. Even his hair that smelled of sweet strawberries is tempting me to... No! Snap out of it Ittoki! The one that is hugging you right now is your best friend!

To distract myself from touching the tempting treat before me, I cleared my throat awkwardly and stared at the window to avoid eye contact with him. Still oblivious to my reaction, he raised his head and looked at me innocently. "Ittoki! Why are you not saying anything? Anyway, has that weird teacher come here before?" He whispered the last part more to himself while his pupils darted around the room, searching for that single annoying human being.

It's like someone is squeezing my heart when I saw him blushing at the mention of that blonde bastard. "I don't know about that." My voice turned cold and hard as I grabbed both of his shoulders, pushing him away from me to set a distance between us. He frowned at my actions but didn't say anything.

Uncomfortable with the awkward silence and him staring at me intently, I decided to ask him a question to break the awkwardness. "Why are you sulking just now?" After the question left my lips, his baby blue eyes immediately narrowed in anger. "It's that new infirmary doctor! He called me a kid and even asked whose uniform did I borrow from. Hmph! If he's not a doctor in this school, I would have punch him long ago!"

Looking at his furious expression which I think it looks really cute. Though he never realized, he always scrunched up his face and furrowed those adorable brows of his whenever he's in a bad mood. The previous mini heartache has dissipated as I watched him throwing one of his tantrums.

Unknowingly, the ends of my lip pulled up to a gentle smile as I gazed at his figure and every actions. "Hey! Are you even listening to me?!" He turned his attention to me when he realized I'm being too quiet and was seething even more after he caught my smiling face.

"Why are you smiling? You're laughing at me aren't you?!" He glared daggers at me as he accused me. I lifted my hands up in surrender once he started pointing fingers at me. "Woahh... Relax. I'm not smiling at you alright?" He narrowed his eyes even more at my statement and started taking small slow steps towards me like what a predator would do to a prey. "Don't lie! I obviously saw you smiling. Now tell me what you're smiling for?!"

Racking my brains for some excuses but found none. I decided to opt for the flight option in fight / flight. "Oh. Look behind you." I pointed to the beige colored walls behind him while looking totally serious. Soon enough, his gaze followed the direction of where my finger is pointing at and I took this chance to run. "What? There's nothing th-" He paused mid-sentence when he finally realized I tricked him. "Why you.....!! Come back here!"

I can't stop grinning like a chesire cat when I turned my head slightly and saw him chasing after me with all his might. A few minutes later, he called out raspily. "S-s-stop running..." His breathing was uneven as he pant out the words. Seconds ticked by, he slowed down till he stopped running completely. One of his hand clutched onto his chest as if in pain. His angry expression contorted to one that's filled with agony and tiredness.

Seeing this, I quickly changed direction and ran towards him in panic. As the distance between us grew shorter, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, an indication that he's going to faint. Before he fell to the ground, I captured his limp body in my arms in time. "Syo! Wake up!" One of my arms went around his shoulders while my other free hand slapped his cheeks lightly, hoping this would wake him up. However, he still remain unresponsive. Without further ado, I carried him bridal style and stood up, preparing to head back to the infirmary.

After walking a few steps, the worrying little boy in my arms squirmed about. "Hurry up and put me down now! I-I-It's embarassing..." I stared at him incredulously while he's busy avoiding eye contact with me. "So... You're fine?" He gave me a light nod and I breathe a sigh of relief that he's alright. "That means you tricked me?" I asked again and he quickly looked up at me to defend himself. "Hey! It was payback for earlier on!"

Gritting my teeth, I gripped his thin shoulders tighter and pulled his body closer to mine. "Why are you doing this?! Hurry up and put me down! I don't want anybody to see me like this!!" He struggled in my arms but I wouldn't let him go no matter what. To say I am mad is an understatement. How can he play this kind of joke and scared the hell out of me like that? It's not funny at all when he lied about his health like this.

I can take it that he tricked me, but I don't want it to be his health that he's using it to do so. Syo has just recovered from a heart surgery and his body constitution was weak from the start. Since young, I watched Syo go in and out of the hospital because of his weak heart and even watched him cry when the doctors gave him several injections and forced him to swallow some nasty tasting medicine.

The more I thought about it, the more angry I grew until he did something to gain my attention. "Ittoki... I'm sorry okay? I promise I won't do it again." He tugged the sleeve of my shirt gently, his voice was soft and full of guilt. Gazing down at him, my eyes softened visibly and I know it's impossible to stay mad at him when he's giving me those puppy eyes. "Swear to me that you will not scare me like this again." I kept my tone serious to let him know he has no other choice but to do what I say.

Pouting his lips, he grumbled incoherently. "Fine! I, Kurusu Syo, swear to Otoya Ittoki that I will not lie about or joke around with my health again and make him worry over me. If I do, then I will be struck by-" I interrupted him mid-sentence. "Stop. Don't use that lightning or whatever. I don't need you to swear your life to me so redo it again."

He rolled his eyes at me but still followed my orders. "I, Kurusu Syo, swear to Otoya Ittoki that I will not lie or joke about my health again and make him worry over me. If I do, then I will-" I intercepted his words again. "Stop." This time, he grunt out in annoyance. "What is it this time?!" Wordlessly, I placed him down on the floor gently like he's a piece of fragile glass. "I just don't want to hear you swear to me anymore." With that said, he stomped his feet and messed up his hair in frustration. "Urgh! Why you!!! Urghhh!!"

I tried to suppressed the urge to laugh but he's just too cute even when he's frustrated. Glancing at our surroundings, I realised that we're alone, standing in the middle of an empty corridor. My heart rate sped up and my thoughts ran wild at the aspect of us being alone together. Perhaps I should confess my feelings to him now? "Umm.. Sy-"

"Nevermind! I will head back to class since I'm fine now. Cya later Ittoki! Don't be late for class kay?" He ran off after saying his piece while my hand is lifted out awkwardly, trying to hold him back. "Damn... There goes my chance of confessing." Dejected, I gradually put my outstretched hand down and decided to head back to class as well. Oh well, it's just like Syo to just run off like that, always leaving me behind.

My lips pulled up to a smirk as my brain is filled with thoughts about him. Jogging in Syo's direction, I called out to him. "Hey! Wait for me Syo!"

--End of Chapter--

A/N: Woohoo! I finally update. ♥ Please comment. Vote. Share. Support. Thank you very muchie~ ★☆

Uta Shounen Ai. (BoyxBoy)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum