01 | What the f***

Start from the beginning

"Okay, I think I have to pack now!" I say as I realized how little time I have to actually get home, shower, pack and get some sleep before the flight. He nods and gestures me to make my way out.

"I will text you the name of the worker and where you shall meet. Just be there in time!" he says as I go out the door.

"Got it!" I shout back and exit the building.

Holy shit.

I'm actually going to South Korea.

I basically shoved my food down when I got home and explained the situation for my parents. They were concerned at first that I would stay in a large house with some random korean guys, but they accepted it when I assured them that I it was a serious company and that I will travel back home if shit hits the fan. After dinner I took a quick shower and searched for two suitcases that could possibly fit all my things needed. I threw in all my black, skinny jeans and all my favorite band T-shirts, plain white and black shirts and some cute dresses and tops, just in case I were going somewhere fancy. You never know. I shoved down all the important toiletries in the bag and some of my favorite manga's and books. Lastly I packed my precious laptop and my drawing tablet – my two most important properties. My passport, charger, and all those important stuffs are in my handbag. And I'm all set. However, I had trouble falling asleep because I was so excited. I couldn't wait to finally be in Korea. This is so cool. Right now, I just loved my life.

I'm dead. So dead when I reached the airport and greeted the person I was assigned to meet. Because damn; I barely got any sleep. Plus I'm not a makeup person either so I literally looked like a zombie that just had been hit by a car, and then the car reversed and hit me again. Thank god it's a long flight, or else I wouldn't really be making a good impression when meeting these people. So when we sat down in our seats, I immediately knocked out and slept the whole way there. Since the flight was almost ten hours, I decided it was most appropriate to wear something comfy. So I had just put on some black running tights, converse and a gray hoodie. I only woke up for food and then fell right back asleep. I even slept through the landing, because when the lady that I was traveling with put her hand on my shoulder to wake me up, I flinched so hard that I almost smacked her. I apologized like fifty times, but thankfully she just laughed at me and told me that we had arrived. As we walked out the plane, I just admiringly looked around me, still not being able to really process that I was actually doing this. Staying in my dream country for three whole months. Holy shit. Holy everything.

A car was waiting for us as we exited the airport, I was told that the ride would take an hour at most. I shook my head, saying that it was fine. As the car made its way through the stream of other hundreds of cars, I just stared out the window, smiling like an idiot to myself. But my daydreaming was cut off by the lady that I traveled with, whose name is Nari.

"Since I didn't want to wake you up during the flight, I have the documents of the boys you will work for under the duration of the summer. They have a very hectic schedule at the moment, so I need you to plan the cleaning and cooking so it matches when they are away, and when they are at home. They all have a strict diet to follow, so everything they eat and not eat will be in this yellow portfolio. Everything that is not tolerant, is found in the red portfolio. Such as allergies, bringing people over to the house – which is strictly forbidden – and privacy of the boys. Since they are well-known, you cannot post pictures or inside information about anything on the social media, even to your closest friends, and even family. Of course, you can read all the papers and rules tomorrow, since they will be out of town until the day after tomorrow. So we expect you to be well prepared for this task, and that you take it seriously. There's also a portfolio for each and every member, and you are expected to know their special details by heart," she explains quickly to me, as the hands me over several portfolios in different colours with lots of papers in them.

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