Secretly Sick

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Chap. 5

Okay, I admit it.

I drained the whole fridge.

And I needed more.

Staring at the exhausted reflection in the mirror my eyebrows scrunch together at the wary sight of my nested hair.

What's more is that I knew just the person to hand me a cuppa of delicious human blood, okay, maybe not straight away, but I had a vague plan formed. If it worked your Blair has enough to drown in the copper metallic substance.

Not really knowing where I was going I stumble through corridors. "WARREN!" I yell loudly, not really caring if people stared at this moment.

"What do you want?" He appears behind me and so I turn my body, locking with the famous attractive guy. Say whaaaaaaat...I guess anyone can get appealing when you're this hungry.

"Can I speak with you?" I notice some vampire have exited their rooms wondering what was going on. Warren scans the small audience and then cocks his head for me to follow.

We reach a room several corridors down and to the left. Opening the dark black door he waves me in and then shuts it in a tight lock.

"Have you got more-" I shut up quickly, knowing if I ask him it will cause trouble. So instead I smile wickedly, hoping to somehow get him out of his own room, then locate the wonderful fridge filled with food.

"Why did you help me Warren?" I ask, staring from across the bed, the vampire shrugs his shoulders in the how-should-i-know manner and then pulls the curtains of his window, preventing any light entering the space.

"Well whatever it was for, I am very thankful for that, if it wasn't for you I would be on the repeat and I wouldn't want to do that-" Warren stalks fast at me with a murderous look in his crimson shines.

"You're not here to talk sappy sh*it Blair, what exactly do you want?" Warren demand his features hold annoying hint which makes me gulp once before I could portray an answer.

"I failed my mind test, and I've heard you're one of the best. I need your help." That was true both ways, but I let out the tiny whiny detail of "can I borrow some blood part."

"Why would you think I will help you?" Warren questions bewildered and somewhat excited.

"Is there something I can do for you?"

"No, but I will think of that something." The way his red eyes trailed my face was not scary or uncomfortable. That was easier than I thought.

"Alright when can we start?"

"Didn't say I was going to help you." Or not.

"But you said-"

"You do realize that if Jasper finds out about what I did, they will kick me out? It's better if we don't even communicate for the next several months." Warren ushers, glaring at me with a his oval bloody eyes, he wasn't happy at all.

"I can take the blame!" I blur instantly, wanting to make the best if the situation.

"Listen, Blair and listen closely, they do not care who you are and what you've done, Jasper is suspicious and possibly thinking hard of a way-" I cut Warren of with one of my thoughts.

"I think you're just being paranoid."

"Are you taking this as a joke? Jasper will kick us out and then say goodbye to your friends, fresh supply of blood. It's an ugly world Blair, consider your stay at SilverLeaf Academy a paradise with some extra whipped cream." Warren exclaims, I could easily feel crumpled anger radiating in waves from him.

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