Peanut Butter and Jealous

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I grab my back pack and camera and head to the venue. It's the last day of Vidcon and I want to spend all of it with Dan and Phil. I track them down only to find them in the 'back stage' area screwing around with PJ. "Hey giants!" I call to them and all three look up at me.

"Hey Short Stuff!" Pj calls and runs to hug me. He picks me up and spins me in his arms. "I've missed you so much."

"Okay. Small. Can't breathe. Put me down." I gasp. He sets me down. "I missed you too. It sucks that we only get to see each other today."

"Yes. Yes it does. I miss my baby cousin." PJ says. Yes, he's my cousin.

"Don't I get a hug?" Phil pouts. I walk over and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Of course you do Philly." I beam. "Does Danny want a hug too?" I taunt Dan who is also pouting. I let go of Phil and show Dan the same affection.

"So how was your night?" PJ asks me.

"It was pretty good." I feel heat rising to my cheeks. Damn it. I don't kiss and tell.

"Oh? Pretty good? Did you bring someone to the hotel with you? You're blushing. Something is so up." Pj prods.

"Noth-" I start, but I see Matt across the room. We make eye contact and I blush even harder. The guys follow my gaze.

"Him? Did you guys.... Ya know?" Phil asks.

"Nothing happened." I blurt.

"Doesn't seem like nothing." Dan cuts in. I feel the anger starting to bubble inside me. What happened between Matt and I is exactly that. Between Matt and I. I love the boys but I wanna keep stuff like this to myself.

"CAN YOU GUYS JUST STOP!" I snap. Matt turns when hears me shout and heads over to us.

"Is everything okay?" He asks, placing an arm on my shoulder. I push him off of me. 

"I'm fine." I say and walk away. I turn and see PJ running after me. "Please leave me alone." I demand, not looking at him to speak or, stopping. 

"Y/n, look at me," he catches up to me and grabs my arm.

"What? Are you gonna continue prying into my personal life? Make fun of me?" I ask, tears in my eyes. 

"No. I was gonna tell you why Dan got so defensive." He states matter of factly. 

"I'm sure he has some marvelous excuse I'm sure." I reply, wiping my cheeks. 

"He likes you, you putz." PJ tells me. My jaw drops, "he likes you a lot."

"So you're telling me he's jealous and that gives him the right to poke and prod at my personal life because he's too chicken to make a damn move. I'm 23, I'm not gonna wait around for anyone. And I think that I might really like Mat." I tell my cousin. 

"No, it's not an excuse, and you are completely right, you shouldn't have to wait around on someone. If you like Matt go for it." He pulls me into a hug. I pull away from him and continue walking. 

After walking around the venue and snapping pictures for a while my phone goes off. 

Mat: What the hell? Are you okay? Where are you? 

Me: I'm fine, I was just upset. I'm by the food court. 

Mat: Stay there. I wanna know what happened.

Me: Fine. 

I sit down and wait for Mat. After several minutes he spots me and takes the seat across from me. "So, care to tell me what that was all about?" He asks. 

"My friends and cousin were being jackasses. They were joking about me bringing someone to hotel with me and then you walked in and I looked up and then they started asking me if you and I... ya' know." I ramble. 

"Oh." He replies and looks at his hands. "So you're not mad at me?" 

"No." I chuckle, "I'm not mad at anyone really." He smiles. "I should probably get back to my friends, this is the last day I get to see them before they go back to England." 

"Okay. Can I call you later?" He asks me. 

"Of course you can." I stand up and he wraps his arms around me. 

"You're kinda cute when you're pissed." He laughs, letting go of me. I call PJ and he directs me to where meet them. 

*****Le Time Skip****

"You guys are trash!" I laugh, watching Dan and Phil oggle at something Yuri On Ice related. 

"Yes Y/n! Yes we are!" Dan says back, mocking my tone. 


We continue walking around and making jokes. I'm gonna miss them. My internet Dads. I look at my phone and realize that the venue is gonna close soon. "Do you guys wanna go get dinner?" I ask.

They nod and we head to a restaurant near the venue. 

****Le Time Skip****

I close the door to my hotel room and flop onto the bed. I pull my phone out and dial Mat's number. "Hey!" I say when he answers. 

"Hey cutie. How was your day?" He asks me.

"It was good. I'm exhausted." I tell him rolling onto my stomach and kicking my feet in the air. 

"I feel ya there. I was wondering if you'd wanna go on a date. Like Friday?" He asks me, stumbling over his words. 

"I'd love to Mat." I reply. We talk for a few hours, about everything. He's so funny and sweet. I think I could fall for him...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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