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It's difficult. It's difficult when the love of your life is a homicidal maniac. It's heart wrenching that the one person you loved who really loved you back, has left the world. But nothing is more disappointing then falling in love, even when you know, you shouldn't.


HEROIN; a highly addictive analgesic drug derived from morphine, often used illicitly as a narcotic producing euphoria.


Being addicted to heroin was a retaliation. It was a way of saying fuck you, to the entire world. Except, in the end all the fucks you didn't give, come back. And they eat you alive.


ADDICTION; the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity.


Being addicted to heroin is one thing, but, what happens when you get addicted to a living, breathing, human being?


aye. this fanfiction is based off of the hIT cbs show "elementary" it's mostly joanlock, but i focus a lot of sherlock 's relapse and joan's dedication to being a detective. this is set after sherlock's relapse, so the beginning of season 4.

-i do not own the show. all rights to cbs.

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