Her Sudden Flashback

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It's been almost a month since meeting the boys. I hAve grown to be very close to them though I though it was a bit to fast.

Anyways, I sat in the music room waiting for the teacher for it came in. Alot of people were in here for auditions to be in the class.

Suddenly those boys walked in.

I ducked my head down low behind a seat.

I don't know wae but I didn't want them to see me. Until...

"(Y/N)? What are you-"


I shot my head up from the seats catching everyone's attention with my obnoxious voice.

I scrunched my face up in realization as to what I just did.

Then I turned around slowly to notice it wasn't any of the boys who called me. It was Nam.

I smacked his arm.

"Thanks alot asshole now my covers blown."

He chuckled.


The teacher walked in and everyone took their seats.

"Alright! Lemme just say that this year is going to an exciting journey in music! We have so many auditions this year! Ready?"

Everyone began cheering. I just looked around.

"Aresso aresso, you all prepared your own song right?"


She nodded.

"Then wae don't we get started?"

Everyone cheered. After many performances I suddenly got called.

"(Y/N) (L/N)?"

I stood without thinking.

"Right I'm coming- I'll be right- just gimme- a second-"

I ran down to the stage as everyone chuckled at my actions.

I slid on stage, literally slid, and grabbed the mic before falling on my ass.

Everyone began laughing as I laid on my back staring at the ceiling, not really knowing what to do. That is until I said screw it and just waved my arm to start the music.

Singing on the floor. That's totally normal.

Everyone got up and began cheering loudly.

I looked over at the crowd and stared at one person in patictar.


He smiled and clapped for me I huffed and rolled off stage. Literally... Rolled offstage. Mainly because I was just to lazy to get up and walk.

Just as I was about to hit the floor someone caught me.

"Nammie always saving the day."

He laughed and carried me to my seat for the rest of the auditions.

The boys walked up and my eyes began sparkling. Oooo I'm excite!

They got in their places and the lights turned off. Then it started.

Sent From Heaven (Suga X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt