Our Final Goodbye

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The house was now depressing. It's been a week since she died. Her last impression of me is being angry at her.


I looked up and saw the teacher staring at me.

"I know what you've been through but I need you to focus alright?"

I nodded as the other boys were in the same condition. Suddenly the intercom dinged.

"Attention students and staff. Meet up in the cafeteria immediately. I repeat meet in the cafeteria immediately. Kansahamnida."

"Alright students let's go."

We all made out way to the cafeteria and sat in our places.

The principal walked onstage.

"Good morning students. I just wanted to say to those who knew (Y/N) well I'm sorry for your loss. She was an amazing person.."

Liza hugged Jin trying not to cry.

"While some of you were out I sent an email reguarding a new project that's due at the end of the year. 4 weeks ago, (Y/N) turned in hers. I thought everyone would want to watch it since she is no longer with us."

The projector turned on and we all watched the screen.


"What is happiness? No one really knows that. In my opinion, some happiness comes from friendship. What's friendship? That's not really known either. There's many different forms of it. But theirs only one true form of friendship."

Suga shot up from the couch after J-Hope poured water on him and began chasing him. Suga finally caught him and threw him into the pool, while the other boys laughed at him.
The guys were walking up the stairs when suddenly Jin tipped backwards, unable to catch himself. Namjoon reached up to catch him from falling down the stairs.
They boys were lazlily sprawled out on the couch.

"I'm really hungry-"

The doorbell rang.

"Someone order pizza?"

They all looked at the door.


"Friendships have their ups and downs...."

Jimin and V, stood in opposite sides of the kitchen counter, glaring at each other.

"You trashed my room looking for that Damn keychain (Y/N) face you!"


"You need to clean it!"

"Who's gonna make me?!"

"Wae you little-"

Jimin hopped over the counter and tackled V to the ground as the others tried to stop them.


"But a true friendship always makes it through..."


The boys were laughing while talking to each other. They all linked arms and walked along the beach as the sun set futlrther.

Sent From Heaven (Suga X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें