Here's to Old Memories

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It was different this time, when they gave me the pills. They didn't strap me down, or hide me in the padded wall room. I just... took it. I don't know why but I did. After that they left, let me stay in my room, sleep off the effects of that pill. The major effects anyway.

They came back later though, said a mistake was made. They gave me the wrong pill or something. They forced me to take another pill and they sent me into the padded room so I didn't hurt myself as the pill worked.

That was about a year and a half ago. It hasn't changed since. Every time they give me a pill, and every time they come back and say it was the wrong pill, and give me a second pill.

My name is Alice. I've been here for 2 years now. Not much has changed, except my pills half a year in. I barely remember why I'm here. The pills do funny things to your mind, they make you feel good and happy. They make you forget things though, so I try to write everything down now.

October 21

Dear diary,
Today wasn't very eventful. They called me the wrong name. Again. Somehow they end up calling me Grace. How? I have no idea. Alice, Grace. Alice, Grace. Nope I don't hear the similarities. They are two different names. Maybe they just don't care. Oh well. They gave me the pills. They'll be back in a few hours to give my second pill. But, diary, just between you and me. I havn't been taking the first pill they give me. I put it in my mouth and pretend to swallow it, but when they leave I spit it out in the toilet and flush it down. Oh! They're coming! We'll talk later


I finished hiding my diary just as they walked in. "What where you doing?" They questioned. Rushing over and grabbing my wrist and glaring at me in anger. "N-nothing... I was just playing a game," they glared at me again. "How did you get a game!?" He yelled. "N-no not that t-type of game. I w-was pretending. Y'know? Make-beleive," I look at him with my wide innocent green eyes. "W-wanna play?" I said kinda like a 6 year old. Make-beleive is fun.

But that's not what I was doing just then... "We don't have time for games! Now take your pill or we will force it down your throat!" The man growled at me and thrust a large pill into my hands. "No water?" I stalled. I wasn't about to swallow this thing dry. "Oh shut up!" He yelled and snatched the pill from my hand. He grabbed the bridge of his nose and sighed. "I really wanted this to go easier with you, Al-Grace," he corrected himself to the wrong name!! The wrong name!! I glared daggers at him.

"Thats not my name!" I screamed. "My name is Alice!" I shouted at him. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose again. Speaking into a walkie-talkie he said, "she's out of control again." He paused a moment. "Yes, yelling at me and squealing about her name. As if it matters what we call the little beasts," he sighed again. "Ok, yes we'll do that," he nodded as he spoke in the walkie-talkie. Then he looked at me, the wild look of a predetor hunting its prey.

"Well guess what you've earned yourself missy!" He said to me in a mock excited voice. "Three extra pills everyday for the rest of the week and all day in the padded cell!" Then he started speaking to me like I was a 2 year old. "You'll get to wear one of those fancy coats all day!" His smile turned wicked and feral "the ones that restrain you from moving your arms and leave you completely deffenseless," he walked away from me and looked at the others thatcame with him. "Restrain her," he nodded his head to me and the others grabbed me and strapped me to the bed so I couldn't fight them.

"Uh.. sir?" One of the men asked. "What!?" The one in charge growled, clearly irritated. "I've found something under her pillow," he said hesitantly. "Well grab it lets see what it is," the man huffed. The other man reached under my pillow and I screamed so loud I bet they could hear it all the way in paris. The man made a hissing noise and covered his ears.

"What on God's green earth is wrong with you!" I laughed when he said that. "I'm crazy, remember?" I giggled "there's supposedly lots of stuff wrong with me," I kept laughing and then the moment he went to reach under my pillow, I turned my head, and I bit him. Hard. He made a weird growling noise and I clamped my teeth down harder. "Someone pull this thing off of me!" He screamed, pushing on my face. The others came and unlached me from him. He grabbed his arm and glared at me.

"You're gonna wish you didn't do that," he growled. I giggled. "No I'm not!" He looked shocked. "You're insane!" He almost stuttered. "Well duh, silly! That's why I'm here. It is an asylum," I giggled crazily again.

He cursed under his breathe and said something about me needing sadation or something. Im not sure. I was in a fit of giggles over how confused he was. They still havn't read my diary. The mans arm is bleeding. I giggle more, I caused that.

I start laughing harder over the fact that the mans arm is dripping blood on the sheets and the floor and he dousnt even notice. They all just look down at me like I'm a ghost. I just stare at his arm laughing hysterically.


First chapter of my new book! Hope you enjoyed. I absolutely loved writing this chapter and creating this character she is going to be so much fun. Also I need people to comment little scene changy things because I can't think of any to do. Like how in I'm With Him it has the little *~*~* thing. I need something for this book.
If you made it all the way down here and read this whole thing then good job, comment "fluffy nugget" if you made it way down here.

Also I'm going to go for 8-10 comments before I post the next chapter. Please guys! And I'll do this, everyone is allowed to comment a maximum amount of 4 times. Long comments will count as two, really long comments will count as three, and anything above will count as four.

See yous latersss



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2017 ⏰

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