“I warned you. You should’ve listened.”

That’s all I say to Chase’s unconscious body before turning around, motioning for the members of my pack to deal with cleaning him up and getting him to the infirmary. I make my way over to Clinton and signal with my head for him to follow me outside. I wait for five minutes near the front entrance of the school, before he comes out followed by a babydoll-looking girl named Tammy and a neon green mohawk guy I think is named Randy.

They walk up to me but keep their distance, looking wary. I don’t blame them though. I’m not really in control of myself at the moment and I think I’m getting worse. My inner wolf is pacing back and forth, shaking the chains binding it restlessly. I look at my reflection in the glass doors and see that my eyes are glowing gold. I shrug, not able to do anything about it, and focus on my audience.

“Where’s Zayne?” I ask, getting straight to the point.

Randy squints his eyes suspiciously. “Why do you care?” he asks, defensively.

“Why wouldn’t I” I counter.

“You going to slam us against the lockers if you don’t like our answers?” Tammy folds her arms, feigning bravado but even I, in my weaken state, can see the nervous tick in her eyebrow and the sweat dripping from her forehead that has nothing to do with the heat outside.

I tilt my head, smirking evilly. “I’m in a sour mood, as you can tell, so I wouldn’t make a habit of pissing me off right now.” I stand and they all take one step back except for Clinton. He stares me in the eyes much longer than members in my own pack can without blinking.

After a while he smirks contentedly, I guess seeing something that satisfies him in my expression. “He’s at home. He’s been holed up in there refusing to see anyone, even his own family,” he shrugs, not really concerned. He goes on to explain, “He sometimes gets this way when something bad happens. We usually just leave him be and he’ll come back to society on his own.”

I nod and walk to my car without another word.

“You’re welcome!” Randy yells sarcastically. “What a douche. Seriously. No thank you?”

“I don’t know. I think he’s hot,” I hear Tammy say, lustfully. “Especially with that evil glint in his eyes. I love a man that has a dark side.” I can feel eyes sear holes into my ass. I shiver involuntarily as I jump into my mustang and rev the engine, putting it gear.

“Unfortunately for you, Tam, I think he’s taken,” Clinton replies with a smile in his voice, leading the way back through the school doors.

She sighs dramatically. “Aren’t they all,” she replies wistfully, brushing her gorgeous ringlets behind her left shoulder before skipping away with the boys following close behind.

I peel out of the parking lot and cruise down the old road I was used to taking up until middle school, when we built the new pack house across town. After turning right at the old mill, the road evens out into a newly paved concrete road. I increase my speed and soon the narrow road widens into a clearing, revealing my old pack house...or at least what used to be my old pack house.

Obviously, vampires are masters of home restorations. The last I saw of the old place, it looked like it was in serious need of a paint job, a new roof, a lot of structural damage repairs and full on pipe replacements. Now the foundation was repaired, which fixed the whole Leaning-Tower-of-Pisa thing, and the new coat of paint really brought the house together. Now it looked like something from a House & Home magazine, instead of a Halloween-special. There is even a giant marble fountain statue of the Moon Goddess riding a chariot in the middle of the circular driveway that leads up to the front-door staircase and back the way I just drove up.

No Love Like This (BOYXBOY) **Under Construction**حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن