Part 2: Spring Break !

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“Honey! Wake up ! You’re late for school !” A voice said. “Today’s your last day before spring break! Meet you downstairs for breakfast! ”
I heard someone closed the door.

“What...time is it...” I rubbed my eyes. I looked at my phone.Oh gosh...I forgot to charge my phone. That’s why the alarm didn’t rang. I looked at the clock on the wall and it’s seven thirty, school starts at eight.
“Ok, i’m doomed. ”
I quickly got out of bed, brushed my teeth and got changed. I didn’t even put on my makeup because of the time limit. (I am not that kind of ‘beauty queen’ least i had to put on my foundation ! *Aphrodite’s blessings*;-) I ran down the stairs speedily and put on my backpack.
Just as i was about to open the door and leave, my mum handed me an umbrella and a sandwich.

“Don’t forget to bring an umbrella, maybe it will rain today. Didn’t you forgot what happened last time you came back from school ? (It was an embarrassing don’t want to know. )And don’t forget to eat your breakfast! Don’t go to school with an empty stomach! Stay safe my girl ! ” She gave me a tight squeeze.

“Mom...i can’t breath...” I muttered.

“Oops, my bad!” She said letting go.

Sometimes, my mom could be quite...annoying.(Sorry mom). But i’m also very grateful to have her because she cares about me so much. When dad died, all i left was her. She helped me a lot through bad days and troubles. She was the one who always encouraged me to get back up again. So...thanks mom.

“ have to go now. I’m going to be so late! It’s seven forty-five already !” I got out of the house quickly.

“Ok hun ! Have a nice day !”

Glad that my house was not too far away from school. It’s only a ten minute walk. Or else i would be in big trouble. In big trouble, i mean...i would get detention. Who would like detention tho ? Not me. I finished the sandwich on my way to school.

I reached school just in time the bell rang. Phew! My first class was History, my favourite subject. I liked to learn about Ancient Rome, the Greek Gods and heroes.(Hercules was my all time favourite hero.) And the best thing is, i got to study with Taron and Caele. We were studying at the same class!*screams inside*
I stepped into the classroom, people were were still standing and walking around everywhere. 

“Layla ! Here !” I heard a familiar voice.

“Hey Taron , how are you doing ? ” I said with a smile.

“Better than ever! ” He said patting a seat beside him. “Sit.”

I sat beside him, of corse.
“Good morning Layla !” Caele said waving at me. She was sitting at the front.  Everyone seemed to be in a good mood today because spring break is tomorrow and today is the last day of term! Eeek !
Suddenly , a teacher came in and we all went silent.

“Good morning students, my name is Mr.Brookes and i will be your substitute teacher since Mrs.Jen was sick.” He said with a cold smile.*picture above*

Just as i saw him, i knew something was wrong. He seemed very creepy to me...Who was he ? 

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