Time passed in a blur. Wells had found her at the base of a tree, staring at nothing. He didn't waste a second sitting down next to her and talking to her - he told her about what happened when they went to get Jasper, how he shot the animal and about how his favourite colour was blue. It distracted her for long enough, and she hated that he had to leave. 

 Only a single tear managed to break past the defences, and when she returned back to camp it was dark enough that people wouldn't be able to make out the red veins standing out in her eyes. If anyone asked, she'd blame it on the smoke pluming from the roaring fire in the middle of the camp. In front of the fire was slabs of cooked meat speared on sticks, with a line of teenagers waiting to get it. She didn't realise how hungry she was until her stomach growled at the sight. As they got closer to the front of the line there were sounds of distress and a faint mechanical whirring. Frowning Cassie went to investigate, not entirely shocked to see the teenagers taking off their wristbands. They wanted to be free of those who'd caged them. 

She spotted Bellamy at the head of the line, a king on his throne. Taking a deep breath she shoved down her fear and approached him, letting the all too familiar smirk fall on her face. It was like a mask for her to hide behind. His eyes settled on her as she made her way over, her hands nestled in her pockets. "I suppose that saving your sisters life would be worth two pieces of that untainted meat."

"You can get more if you take that wristband off." 

"Oh, this thing," she raised it front of her face. Honestly she'd completely forgotten she had it on. "I could, but I won't. The metal bastards grown on me. It makes my arm look great."

He shook his head. "No wristband, no meat." 

"Then surely you shouldn't get any?" Her smirk grew as he realised the loop hole in his plan. "If you want, I can say that much louder." 

"I killed it." 

Cassie raised her eyebrows, thoughts going to what Wells had told her. He wasn't the type to lie. "Sure." 

Then she snatched up two spears of meat, strutting away. Even as she got further away she could his gaze burning a hole in her back - she was grateful when she was out of eye sight. Now at ease, she searched for the only other person she'd get the meat for. At last she found him in a far corner by the back of the fence, still chatting to Octavia. Her relaxed muscles tensed up again. She bit her lip, looking around to see if there was anywhere else she could go. 

He caught sight of her before she could run. 

"Cassie!" He beckoned her over, waving an enthusiastic hand to her. Swallowing her nerves she made her way over, sending an uneasy glance at Octavia. Jay beamed at her. "Where have you been? You've been gone for hours! Did you go deeper into the woods, if so you're a lot braver than I am."

"No, um, I didn't. I don't know where I went honestly." It was the truth - she had gone to a part of her mind she didn't know even existed. She wasn't glad to have explored it. "I actually, uh," she sent another glance in Octavia's direction. "I got this for you. As much as I hate your constant chattering, I can't let you starve." 

Jay gladly accepted the food. Cassie awkwardly looked at Octavia, "I didn't realise you'd still be here otherwise I'd have gotten you something." 

"I bet you were as eager to do that as you were to save Jasper." Octavia sent daggers to her, bidding Jay a quick goodbye. She bumped her shoulder into Cassie's, knocking her back a few steps. 

Suddenly she wasn't so hungry. 

"I'm going to find someone, sorry I ruined," she flailed her arms around, unsure of what to label it as, "whatever that was." 

Jay tried shouting her back but she carried on walking, her back being a shield against his begging. Sooner than she expected she found just the person who she was looking for and she wasted no time forcing the meat in his hands. "Eat." 

Wells nearly toppled over from the force, his brows creasing at her gesture. "You need to eat." 

"I highly doubt Bellamy gave you any, even though he pried that bracelet off of your wrist," Cassie raised an eyebrow. "Anyway, I can't have you dying from starvation otherwise bye bye freedom." 

Her feet guided her away - she was planning on going back to her spot on the edge of the forest to just think. She wanted to be alone, needed to be alone, because otherwise she would crave company. And company wasn't something she could keep. 

Wells' voice stopped her.

"Right," Wells shouted to her back, spinning the spear in his hands. "How about we half it?" 

"How about you listen to me and eat the whole thing?" She spun around, giving him her best 'try me' facial expression. 

He matched hers. "How about you listen to me?"  

Cautiously, Cassie walked over to where Wells was sat, situating herself beside him. Wells offered her the spear, leaving it lingering under her nose. The smell of cooked meat drifted up her nose, and her stomach gurgled loudly in response. Wells laughed subtly, nodding at her to take a bite. Reluctant, she took a bite. The meat dried out her throat and scratched on the way down; it was good enough. 

"Your turn," Cassie demanded, shoving the stick back in his direction. 

"Fine," he huffed but didn't seem too sad about it. He took a bite and closed his eyes blissfully, chewing it too fast and licking his lips. "That was better than expected." 

"I bet it was those spices they used," Cassie sarcastically commented, eyes widening when Wells released a light chuckle. He didn't seem to be the type to enjoy jokes. 

For the rest of the night they sat there, taking turns tearing bites out of the meat and talking about nothing at all. 

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