Chapter 20

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Hanzo's POV
I was in the bathroom, getting ready for dinner tonight. Jesse declared that we eat out tonight and I was curious but nevertheless happy. I'm also puzzled is to why he went out so early but, I figured it's nothing too important so I thought nothing of it. But it would be nice to know.
I was so zoned in my thoughts I didn't realize that I barely put my outfit on. It was just another casual navy blue kimono.
After slipping on my outfit I exited the bathroom and immediately was presented the sight of Jesse. He was wearing a red flannel and grey slacks. They were ironed and his hair and beard were groomed and trimmed and I was taken back slightly. He looked so perfect and so clean. I felt shy to be his full attention so I turned my gaze away as I felt my face heating up. I heard footsteps and soon enough I felt a hand guide my face up, forcing me to gaze directly into his rich brown eyes. The sun was conceding to the night, slowly lowering below the horizon. The skies were like a painting, an artwork of clouds and reddish colors. Beams of sunlight were refracting through the window, washing Jesse's face in a beautiful glow. He looked surreal, almost unreal because of just how gorgeous he was. He smiled at me warmly before pressing a soft, gentle kiss onto my lips. Pulling away slowly he began to guide me to the bedroom door so we could leave. I complied happily as I walked alongside him with my head resting on his left shoulder.

Walking with Jesse is one of those activities I could never ever give up. He constantly keeps an arm around me and pretty much holds me. It's so reassuring. I feel so safe and I feel...loved. I leaned into him, thankful for him.
The sky was an organized mess of orange, pink, and red. Clouds absorbed the color, taking on more soft and pastel hues. The sun was dipping below the horizon and the skies were tired. Our footsteps echoed through the quiet street and the breeze walked with us.

We finally arrive at the restaurant and to my surprise it was the one we've been going to ever since we met. I grinned at the memories we shared here.

We entered the petite building and took our booth again. The same lady wasn't here but it was still special. We were handed menus and I flipped through it, the laminates were grazing my fingers, giving you that exciting feeling of the variety. I decided to try something new and go for the roasted salmon instead of the salmon sushi.

"Get me whatever ya get, ok?"

I looked up to see him smiling and I smiled back and nodded. The lady walked up and took our orders and menus then walked away. I just realized Jesse was sitting across from me and the whole time he was just staring at me. Once again I felt hot being the center of his attention. He looks so...delectable and he chooses to stare at me. Despite my embarrassment, I enjoyed it. I felt special. I decided to play his game by staring right into his eyes. Needless to say it was pretty simple, until he winked at me. My insides felt hot, including some lower areas. I cleared my throat, desperately trying to retain control. But Jesse's face pulled up into a grin and with his trimmed self, it was absolutely heart stopping. I conceded and looked away, trying to focus on breathing instead of the filthy thoughts of Jesse that appeared in my head. Just grunting in ecstasy while Jesse's taking me while whispering how beautiful I am. God, I can just imagine his big, delicious co-
I quickly snapped out of my thoughts, trying to ignore how tense I was. I looked over to Jesse and to my dismay he was staring at me, grinning still. Then, I felt a sock covered foot hit me right in the groin. I jumped in shock and my face began to steam.

"Don't worry Darlin, we can take care of that when we get home."

His seductive tone made me even more aroused and I started to let out shaky breaths. My head was basically malfunctioning and Jesse started to snicker at my suffering.
Jesse got up and walked to my side, doing what he always does. Teasing me.
To my luck the food arrived and I was saved from Jesse making my manhood want him. The food smelled incredible and I was so excited to dig in.

It tasted amazing. It was tender and juicy. Just overall delicious. I ate slowly, savoring every bite but Jesse on the other hand was eating like an animal. Poking and tearing apart the fish and cramming it into his mouth. I smiled at his wildness because well, he's my wildness.

After we finished we laid for our money down and left a tip.
I was walking out of the booth and to the entrance but then Jesse hugged me and started whispering little nothings into my ear.

Then I heard, "Hanz?"


"Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"Will you be mine?"

My heartbeat instantly began to race. What is he talking about? He let go of me and walked in front. He kneeled down and my heart began to accelerate more and more. My breathing quickened and my eyes widened as he pulled out a black velvet box. He opened it, exposing a silver ring with a tiny blue gem. I threw my hands over my mouth and tears stung at my eyes. Oh my god...

"Will you marry me?"

My eyes opened up and I began to cry in joy. Yes! Yes! I desperately put my arms out, desperate for him to embrace me. Emotions were flooding me. He hugged me and I hung onto him, tears flooding my eyes.

"Yes! Yes Jesse!", I stammered.

I put my legs around his waist and he hauled me up, carrying me home.
I'm tired. Also anxious.

Hope you enjoyed!!!

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