On the Rooftop

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Eunwoo P.O.V

I followed behind the small boy with my head down, embarrassed from what had happened earlier. Until he came to a stop ,i stopped as quick as i could but still ended up bumping into him AgAIn. 

The small boy,or Myungjun,hissed at me and opened the door to the roof, the sudden blast of cold air, making me step backwards.

Myungjun went out onto the rooftop ,whilst i stood their still shook from the air, as soon as i had gotten back to my senses i walked out onto the rooftop, looking at the group of boys infront of me.

There were 5 boys there, two of which i knew, the others were a complete mystery,but i do have to say Moonbin's got an attractive group of friends.

"Oh hey Dongmin, I didnt know you knew Myungjun hyung"

"Well we bumped into eachother a few minutes ago and then we talked and then he said he was going to you so i asked if i could come along"

"ah, anyway boys, introduce yourself to Dongmin"

A tall and cute looking boy stood up and smiled, showing off his braces.

"Hello my name is Yoon Sanha and im the maknae of this group of friends its nice to meet you"

"Its nice to meet you too, at least one person in this group has manners"

Myungjun sent me a death glare,just as he was about to stand up to retort to the comment i had made another boy had stood up. He was about the same height as Myungjun,but looked a lot more muscular,he had a quite a cute yet handsome face and colourful hair.

"Hi my name's Park Jinwoo, but they call me jinjin,I'm the second oldest next to MJ, nice to meet you"

"how is that midget the oldest, he has the personality of a toddler and looks like one too!"

The others had to hold in a giggle ,because of MJ's deadly glare being sent around.

The last boy stood up ,he had a very pretty face and gentle eyes, that went well with his brown hair.

"yo, my name's Park Minhyuk ,like Jinwoo i have a nickname, my nicknames Rocky i dont know why they call me that they just do, im the second youngest of this group and i dance,its nice to meet you."

Rocky stuck his hand out for a handshake that i happily took.

"now that everyone's introduced themselves i think its time for food"

All the boys went into their bags and grabbed their lunch, stuffing it into their mouths the instant they saw it. Moonbin looked up to me, his cheeks filled with rice, making him look like a hamster.


I had to contain myself from squirming on the spot as Moonbins lips formed a pout.

"Dongmin hyung why arent you eating, you need to eat to k-jrgejeikeigrujriekfmdnhujerikofmjrufijfkrhu"

Moonbin choked on a small piece of rice, as sanha practically threw a bottle of water on him.

I went next to Moonbin and sat down, going into my bag to realise that i forgot my lunch.


Moonbin choked again.

"i thought idols had to be angels 24/7 or do you think your some kind of bad boy"

Myungjun perked up.

"shut up shrimp"

"Myungjun hyung stop being mean to Dongmin"

Moonbin pouted.

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