"Someone helped you while you were there?" Tata asks bewildered.

"Yeah, he was like their nurse guy. He was probably the only person that had some form of heart in that entire building" Naomi pushes her hair behind her ear. She takes a second while everyone divides off into discussing points and stands from the bar stool. She takes one last look at everyone and makes eye contact with Anna. Naomi puts her pointer finger to her lips before walking off and back to her room. So much for waking up in a good mood.


It was nighttime and Naomi had not left her room. People came and checked up on her every once in awhile but she never let them in. She just stayed curled up in her bed as she listened to soft music, desperately trying to keep her mind off things. It wasn't until the album she was listening to repeated for the third time that she decided it was time to leave her room for a bit. Checking the time on her phone, she sees it's 10:42pm. Either everyone was out or they were getting ready to leave.

Naomi zips up her black jacket and makes her way up to the roof. As soon as she opens the door, she is met with a gust of wind. The winter was nearing and it was starting to get colder and colder.

Naomi laid down on the ground as she took deep breaths, trying to freshen her mind from all the heavy negative thoughts.

Maybe they're just bluffing. And even if they're not, HOMRA will be more prepared, right?

Thoughts kept racing through her head until she decided to frustratedly close her eyes and groan out loud.

"What am I going to do? I can't keep living like this" she whispers to herself.

"You're not going to. We are going to protect you" and

Naomi's eyes burst open and she quickly sits up from her comfortable position on the ground. Her eyes anxiously glance around until they relax on a familiar yet surprising figure next to her.

"Holy fuck you scared the shit out of me" Naomi breathes out as she clutches her chest.

"Tch, I thought you'd hear me when I jumped on the roof"

"Well no i didn't and now you scared me" Naomi retorts at Fushimi. Naomi evens out her breathing before laying back down on the floor.

"What are you even doing here? And if you were going to come here, don't you think it'd be easier to blend in if you weren't wearing your Scepter 4 uniform?"

"Yeah well I came here once I heard about the message and didn't really think about changing" he answers, his voice diminishing towards the end.

"That's not like you: the not thinking and the caring about someone. Are you sure you're the same Saruhiko Fushimi?" Naomi teases.

"Tch whatever" he lightly nudges her with his leg as he sits up with his legs sprawled out in front of him. The two go silent as they listen to the hustle of the city. Naomi closes her eyes once more, feeling at peace as her heart falls into rhythm with the sound of the nearby bullet train.

"So do you forgive me? For last time?" Saruhiko asks tentatively. Naomi opens her eyes once more, this time with less alert in them. She takes a moment to think over their last encounter and how he made her feel: upset because he ignored her wishes yet ambivalent because there were still feelings fighting inside her.

"I guess" she sighs. "How'd you hear about the news?" Naomi quickly tries to change the subject.

Fushimi frowns momentarily before answering her question. "We got one too. Seri went over to talk about it with Kusanagi and that's when they found out that we have the same message from the same people. When I found out, I thought of you. Which yes, is something unlikely of me"

Naomi smirked slightly at the confession from the megane but it's quickly replaced with a frown at the reality of the situation.

"Well yeah. I'm hanging in there. Kind of don't want to talk about it or think about it but it's all I've been doing since I found out. But then you came along and distracted me for a bit" she looks over to her side at him and bites her lip "so thanks"

Fushimi marvels at the girl next to him. The one who for some reason has always intrigued him but he never knew why. Was it her beauty? Her strength? Intelligence? Or just in general her entire being?

"Well I guess I'm not doing a very good job since I brought it up" he brings his left knee to his chin and rest his head on it.

"On the contrary, you have given me something more to think about"

"Like what?" He challenges

"Like you" she softly mumbles before instantly looking back at the sky. Fushimi stares at her for a second before laying down beside her and staring at the deep dark sky.

"I'm sorry for last time" he sighs out, his hand stretched out and relaxed beside him.

"It's okay" she breathes out as her cold slender hand reaches over to his and squeezes it. Fushimi freezes for a moment, taken aback from her sudden movements but quickly squeezes her hand back.

The two lay there, hands holding each other for a few moments before finally Naomi takes her hand back and breaks the silence.

"Where does this leave us?"

Fushimi contemplates it for a bit; on one hand, all he'd love to do is be with her and protect her. On the other, he knows with every inch in his body that it's not a good idea.

"I don't know" he finally concludes.

"Me neither" she sighs as she sits up and crosses her legs. She nervously reaches into her jacket pocket and takes out her phone to check for time. 11:29pm and a text from Tatara

Where are you?!

Naomi quickly texts back with "roof" before locking her phone and looking back at the man beside her.

"What?" He asks softly.

"Tatara is probably gonna burst up here any second now and it's late so you must be tired; I think you should leave"

Fushimi stands from his comfortable position as Naomi does the same. He quickly checks his PDA to check the time and notices that it is in fact, very late. To him, it didn't even feel like that long.

"So what now?" He asks hesitantly. Naomi looks out at the city, her new short hair blowing wildly around her shoulders as she thinks.

"I don't know. I think, we should still meet up every once in awhile. You know, before we make a decision on where we stand" Fushimi nods his head at her words before running a hand through his hair.

"Alright, I guess I see you around then. And we aren't telling anybody right?"

"Yeah, I won't say a word to anybody as long as you do the same"

Fushimi walks to the edge of the roof before turning back to her. "Okay, I'll see you then. And by the way Naomi, stay away from others. Especially a certain idiot" he warns.  Naomi lightly giggles before rolling her eyes.

"Yeah yeah whatever. You keep your eyes off a certain blonde and we have a deal"

"Tsk, as if I'd actually stare at her. Good night Naomi" Fushimi ever-so-slightly smiles at her.

"Good night Fushimi. Be safe and get some rest"

Fushimi jumps from building to building until he blends into the night distance. Naomi takes one last look at the direction he went in before opening the door to go back inside.

A smile is on her face as thoughts of the serious yet kind man runs through her mind. Her thoughts however, are interrupted when she bumps into a shocked looking Tatara.

"W-was that just Fushimi?"


Let me know what y'all think of this chapter!!! Love y'all

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