Chapter 7

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Reaper and I clash, he shoots at me and I deflect the shots, he gets a good shot off me and I fall to the ground and my shadowy swords vanish into smoke, we fight fist to fist, he's a really good fighter, and I'm a master martial artist, he takes off his mask to reveal his scarred, shadowy face, he has beading red eyes and he laughs, he pulls out shotguns out of nowhere and shadows start entering the room, he starts spinning and he yells "DIE! DIE! DIE!!!" I struggle to get up, he stomps his foot on my hand crushing it causing me to scream in agonizing pain, he laughs at me, "Pathetic, even with all that power you're weak" He says to me, he points a gun to my head and says in a firm voice, "Good riddance" suddenly my eyes turn dark purple and a shadowy aura forms around me, I release a shadowy pulse and Reaper goes flying into a wall, I get up and teleport towards him, I punch him so hard that he flies through the walls crashing into the forest outside, I punch him again and he goes flying in the air and I teleport into the sky above his falling body and kick him so hard that I hear his back break, he screams in pain as he falls to the ground, even after all that abuse he still tries to get up, I flip him over and I grab on to his robe, he laughs groggily at me, "Go on, kill me" He tempts me, "You want to stop me don't you, well go on then, do it" he smiles at me evilly, "No" I respond, "I have other plans for you" I explain, he laughs once again and I knock him out cold, I get up breathing heavily, the pain finally hits me and I clench my side, I stand over Gabriel's unconscious body

Mercy POV
As the remaining Talon began to retreat everyone saw the fight between (Y/N) and Gabriel, after the battle me along with other Overwatch agents run over to them to see (Y/N) bent over in pain, I catch him as he was about to fall, he smiles at me, I hug him, "Is he...?" I ask, "No, just unconscious" he replies, Is it over? Is the Talon finished? I start to think about the future, "I have plans for him" (Y/N) says, "What plans?" Soldier 76 asks, "Plans to where he won't be able to hurt anyone again" He explains, I don't know what he means

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