Chapter 5

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Mercy POV
We headed down to the mess hall holding hands, we got breakfast and sat down next to Lúcio and Tracer who both have grins on there faces, "What?" We said at the same time, "We saw you two holding hands, what's that all about?" Tracer says, "We're together!" I say excitedly as I hug (Y/N) tightly, "Aww, you two are so cute together" Tracer says, "I have to tell everyone, bye!" She says as she blinks off, we eat our breakfast and I go throw away my tray

As Angela gets up Lúcio has a proud look on his face, "So you finally told her" he says, "Yeah, thanks for the help" I thank him, "I didn't do anything, all I did was give you confidence" Lúcio says, "I think I'm going to enjoy recovering even though I'm ready to fight again" I say still complaining a little, "They just want to be sure that you're fine" Lúcio explains to me for the thousandth time, "I know, but if you need my help, I'm here" I say, "Jack will call you back into duty soon, you weren't kidding about that healing factor of yours, how are you feeling anyway?" He asks, "I'm still sore but I'm fine" I reply, Angela comes back and hugs me from behind, "Come on, I have our day planned out" she says excitedly, I wave goodbye to Lúcio and we head towards the movie theatre, then we have fun at a fair that was nearby, we spend the entire day just hanging out and having fun, but there's still something in the back of my mind, a thought that has been bothering me ever since the accident, the man that tortured me, experimented on me, his name Gabriel Reyes, or as people know him better as Reaper, I was once a mercenary and I was told to infiltrate the Talon base, take them out from the inside, even though I was a master martial artist I was overwhelmed by a shadowy figure that figure being Reaper, he tortured me and experimented on me, I snapped and I broke out, turned out that the stuff that he did to me gave me strange side affects, that's how I got my shadowy abilities, and I finally got to confront Reaper again, that's when he set off that explosion and I was just lying there barely alive, I snapped out of daydreaming when Angela asked if I was okay, "I'm fine, just thinking" I reply with a smile on my face, we got back to the base and she fell asleep on me again, but I couldn't sleep, I was still thinking about Reaper, he's still out there, I have to stop him

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