Chapter 5

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They eventually reached the sleeping quarters. Left was girls, right was boys. I.A.N. directed them one by one to their rooms.
Matt was the last one. I.A.N. directed him to room twenty-four on the right.
After getting into the room, I.A.N. rummaged around and found a small notepad and pen. He started writing.
"What are you doing," Matt asked, watching I.A.N.'s every move.
I.A.N. held up the notepad. It read;
       You are the leader
"I don't understand," Matt said, "What do you mean?"
I.A.N. jotted down another sentence and held it up;
           It is likely you will fail
          There is a 25% chance of
"I don't get it."
I.A.N. started to liquidate, and Matt could see a microchip, two LEDs, and a speaker fall to the floor. From the speaker came these words:
        You are the leader. You are
         responsible. You will lead
         them to failure.
The liquidated I.A.N. started to slowly move its way out of the room.

Andrew looked around his room. Cozy, simple, and small. Just like home. There was a small desk with drawers, and a vintage tape recorder sat on top of some copy paper.

Andrew used to have one of those.

Next to the paper sat a pen holder filled with two fountain pens, three
No. 2 pencils, and a couple white erasers. The headrest of the bed stood against the right wall, and the rest of the bed faced towards the left.
The sheets on it were a light brown color, and at least four pillows sat on top. Across from the bed on the left wall was a Holovision, which was basically a Tv but with a holographic screen.

Andrew always wanted one of those.

Andrew took off his boots and sat at the edge of the bed. Next to him he noticed a pile of clothes and the remote to the Holovision. He proceeded to take off various pieces of his clothing and put on the sweat pants and white shirt on top of the pile next to him.
Climbing into bed, he grabbed the remote and turned on the Holovision.
It's blue screen winked into existence and Andrew started to filp through channels, eventually settling on reruns of an old show called "Doctor Who".

Jack was next door to Andrew and his room was pretty much the same. He sat down at the desk and grabbed one of the pencils and a white eraser. He started to sketch blueprints for something he could probably find the parts for. The design was simple and required two small jets, a leather backpack (which Jack already had), a computer, motherboard-USB cable, and a some wires. And maybe a few LEDs.

On the girl's side of things, Maggie and Emily had decided they would share a room. Their room was again the same as everyone else's. Desk, bed, Tv.... nothing extra. Emily claimed she needed an extra bed, so she used the I.V.I.S Control And Contact Panel on the wall next to the bed to call for 'Some sheets or a sleeping bag or something. Whatever.'
After being brought a sleeping bag, some sheets, and a pillow, Emily and Maggie went to sleep in the calmness of the night.

Matt sunk into sleep as well...
He ran, faster, faster, faster. Where is it? Where are they? He stopped at a nearby building and took of his hood, revealing his face, which was covered in a detailed mask with the symbol:

Branded onto it's side. The building was old, crumbling. It was almost... crystalline in structure. He ran inside and ripped off his face mask, causing the visor to slide up, revealing bright purple eyes. He smiled.

He found what he was looking for.


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