Chapter I

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As the teacher walked down the rows of students to pass out tests that were done the day before, I sat there, knowing I got a good grade, just like the test before.

"Nice job, once again Kara." The teacher said putting my paper on my desk. I smiled and zoned out again.

Im getting tired of being good. I just wanna be bad and do stuff the normal Kara wouldn't. I thought to herself. I turned my head as I heard the teacher murmur under her breath.

"I hate the Luthors." I scowled at the teacher in disgust because of her words and continue to watch the scene.

"This is the 5th test you've failed in the last two days, I'm sorry Lena but you're going to need a tutor to get your grades up or you're getting suspended." The teacher slightly threw the paper at Lena.

Ugh, I hate her. I thought to myself as the teacher finished handing out the papers. I looked at the clock above the white board, 4 minutes 'til. I put my stuff into my backpack and look over to Lena.

I have an idea. The bell rang as the teacher hurried to pack up her stuff and continued to yell about our homework assignment for tomorrow.

I scanned the halls as fast as I could for Lena and eventually found her already walking out the door to the parking lot. I pushed through people and shoved the door open to catch up to Lena, only to not find her. I grunted and threw my head back in frustration.

I started to walk to my car, that is until Lena bumped into me, spilling a drink onto my clothes, wetting my shirt and my bra, causing goosebumps to be visible on my skin. I looked her in the eyes and smiled bitterly.

This was my favorite shirt. Thanks a lot Lena Luthor. Lena ran after me, causing me to stop.

"Kara, I am so sorry! Here lemme give you some money to buy a new shirt." She pulled out her wallet from her bag and pulled out a 20 dollar bill. I pushed her hand away as she tried to give it to me.

"I'm not taking your money." I said as I walked to the trunk of my car. I pulled out a duffel bag that has a week's worth of clothes, never know when stuff like this is gonna happen.

"No, Kara I'm serious, take it." Lena begged, I didn't budge on taking it. I just continued to get a new shirt and bra out of the duffle bag.

"It's fine Lena, I'm good. I don't take money. It was just an accident." I looked around to see if there was anybody around that would see me. The school was already desserted, my car was the only one left.

"Fine, at least lemme repay you some how." She put her money back in her bag and crossed her arms. I pursed my lips and nodded. I pulled off the sticky shirt from my now sticky skin.

"A-are you really doing that right here? Oh jesus!" She said as she turned around. I continued to take off the sticky garments from my body and pulled on the clean ones.

"What? It's not a crime." I shrugged as I put my wet clothes in the trunk and proceeded to close it.

"It's not, but you of all people to do that?! It's just surprising, that's all." She said trying to process what just happened.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I said putting a hand to my chest to feel more dramatic as I grinned.

"Just that- like- Kara Danvers the girl everyone looks up to, takes her shirt, and bra I might add, off in public. It's just surprising, like who would've thought that you would do that?" She said laughing a little at the dramatic gesture I made.

"Well, yesterday I wouldn't do that, but today, I wanna change, You know?"  I said as I furrowed my eyebrows, I think I said it right.

"Change clothes? Yes you demonstrated that greatly." She said laughing.

"No, well yes but no, I wanna change me. I wanna change myself. It's tiring, being this goody-two-shoes-that-everyone-knows-of-because-I'm-polite. Like we've been in the same class since kindergarten, you know how everyone has seen me." I said as I opened my car door to sit down.

"I get it, it's tiring to be a Luthor. Everyone thinks you're just like your family because you have the same last name as them." She said as she played with her fingers.

"I bet." I said as I looked around. "How do you get home?"

"I walk, my mother is too busy to come pick me up as per usual." I look at her then get fully in my car to get my bag that I previously threw in the passengers seat.

"Can I give you a ride?" I said smiling. "I mean only if you want one."

"You know what? That'd be nice. Thank you." She walked around my car and open the door. She sat down as I started the car. "I love your car by the way, it's really beautiful. Almost as beautiful as the owner." She whispered, but I still heard her.

I chose to ignore the compliment as I looked the other way to make sure she didn't see me blushing. I soon started to drive.

"So Lena, I heard you need a tutor. I can tutor you. If you can tutor me?" Lena looked at me confused.

"Kara Danvers, needs a tutor, and is asking me? Can this day get any weirder?" She said exaggeratingly. She looked at me and bit her lip. "You know what? I'll do it. I'll tutor you."

I smiled and continued to drive down the street. She gave me directions to her house as we listened to music.

After a few minutes, we arrived at her house. She looked at me and smiled as I put the car in park.

"Thank you for the ride. It was really nice of you to do that. Considering everyone hates me." She said as she looked down and laughed a little.

"No one hates you, they just don't know you. They did what they told us not to do, judge a book by its cover, and it's the least I can do. If you need a ride school just text me." I grabbed a paper from the glove compartment and a pen from me bag to write down my number. "Or even if you need someone to talk to, I got you."

"Oh okay thanks. I swear Kara, you are the best." She leaned over to kiss me on the cheek but I accidentally turned around.

I froze. I don't know what to do. I want to pull away but I don't. Her lips are so soft. Lena pulls away seconds after and puts her hand over her mouth.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry! I-I'm gonna go!" She grabbed her bag and got of the car before I could protest. As if I even could. Or wanted to for that matter. We kissed. I need some time to process this. To process what I felt when she kisses me.

I put the car in drive and continued my journey home. Confused. Dazed. The kiss made me light headed. I don't even remember the drive home. I'm surprised I didn't get into an accident.

I didn't do my homework when I got home. I just lied on my bed with my limbs all sprawled out on the surface. I just stared up at the ceiling as I thought about the kiss. It's like I'm craving her lips now. All I want to do is hold her close and kiss her again.

Alex barged into my room and closed the door. I slightly jumped at the sudden intrusion.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I said as I rolled over onto my side. She jumped onto my bed and laughed.

"No, no I haven't. Now what's wrong with you? You sound all grumpy." She said as she lied down beside me.

"I was thinking, and you interrupted my peaceful thoughts." I said as I faced her.

"What were you thinking about?" She asked as if this was an interrogation.

"I'm not sure yet. Now if you'd go I will know what I was thinking about." Alex groaned as she got off me bed and dragged herself lazily to my bedroom door.

"Fine! But I wanna know what you were thinking about after you figure it out." She pointed her finger at me and raised her eyebrows. "Okay? Okay. Bye now."

Finally. She's gone. Now what were we thinking about? I continued to think about Lena. I soon started to feel my eye lids get heavy. Without even realizing I fell asleep. And nothing but darkness consumed my body.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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