Chapter 3

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I woke up to my alarm going off, which is actually music because I have my alarm set to play my songs when I wake up. I couldn't hear anyone downstairs so I was safe and alone to walk around my house and get ready for another day's torment. I turned up my music and started getting ready, it seems like music is the best way to keep me sane and in control of my life, well that and drawing.

After getting dressed in my usual, jeans and a hoodie with the sleeves rolled up, I went downstairs and grabbed my bag, locking the door on the way out. I made it to the park and was looking down at the sidewalk as I walked when I bumped into someone and bounced off like a rubber ball hitting a wall. I was about to fall on my butt when the person I ran into caught my arm and steadied me, once I was sure I wasn't falling I looked up at the person I ran into. He had brunet hair and green eyes the same as me and he asked me, "Are you okay?" To which I just nodded and said I was sorry while trying to get around him before I made a bigger fool of myself.

"Hey wait," I froze where I was, "do you know where Trenton High School is? I was trying to find it on my phone but I can't find it. Do you happen to go there or know where it is?" Of course this guy had to go to my school, but I turned around and nodded replying, "Yes, I go there. I'll show you." It came out quieter than I thought but he still heard me and smiled walking over for me to lead the way. He's only being nice right now because he doesn't know me, once people at school start taking to him he will never smile in my direction again unless it's to laugh at me. We started walking in silence for a few minutes before he broke it saying, "Hey, my name is Ryan by the way. I realize I never told you and since we're going to the same school maybe we could get to know each other a bit? What's your name?"

This was my chance to make a friend but...... what if he's like the others I considered friends and joins the demons that make my life more hellish. I have to take a leap of faith I guess and hope he's the angel here to save me. He was looking at me when I mumbled, "Ruby." Shoving my hands in my pockets I wasn't going to get my hopes up to make a friend because soon enough he wasn't going to want anything to do with me. "Nice to meet you Ruby, I like your name," I smiled a little at that, "Gasp! So she does smile!" He joked and I smiled a bit bigger, it's been a while since someone could make me smile, Ryan seems like a really nice sweet guy. Maybe I actually can make a friend. "Wh-where did you move here from?" I asked him. "I came from Brooklyn, New York and then my dad got a job all the way over here in Colorado so here I am walking with you to my new school." He said that as we were getting near the school and I was dreading it because I really wanted him to be my friend.

I dropped him off by the office so he could fill out the papers for school and went to my locker to get my books. I grabbed my textbooks and closed my locker, when I turned around I immediately ran right into the person I least wanted to bump into, I keep running into everyone today though it seems, Cole. "Hey! Watch where you're going bitch." I flinched away with my back hitting against the lockers, I looked around hoping a teacher would come by, even if they ignore stuff most of the time they can't ignore a student getting hit by another student, I hope. Just as he was about to smack me across the face someone grabbed his arm and I saw it was Ryan. "What the hell man? Why are you trying to hit her?" He was coming to help me, I wanted to tell him not to so that he wouldn't get beat up later by Cole's friends. "Who the fuck are you to question what I do?" I was getting scared for Ryan I didn't want him to fall down to my social standing just because he stood up for me. The entire school would hate him and then he would hate me for this happening.

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