Drapple is the best

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1. Even if I am obsessed with Harry Potter is not my favourite book series. Percy Jackson is.
2. I have a obsession with Marvel that has only surfaced this past year (even if I had an obsession with Wolverine and Fantastic Four, they were the basically the only ones I had watched.) and the reason that this happened was because stuff kept popping up for this ship Stucky from Captain America and after binge watching three Captain America movies and both Avengers movies (and not doing any homework which resulted in an F in science) in three days I was hooked.
3. My sister has a really rare name. I have never met anyone with the name Danessa before and most of the time when I say her name people will mistake it for Vanessa or Tessa.
4. My ancestors are from Ireland and originally settled in North Carolina (so I have no idea how we got to Indiana)
5. I'm kinda thankful for having them come up to Indiana because I wear jackets and jeans 24/7 so I would've already died down in this heat.
6. Hamilton is not the first Musical I liked. It is the first I had a serious obsession with but while attempting to find Hamilton (because three people would always talk about it including thatonewarriorsfan ) I accidentally found Matilda the Musical and listen to that for awhile, and don't even ask how I got that instead of Hamilton.
7. The first time I had ever entered the ocean was last month on a Girl Scout trip (con of living in the Midwest)
8. The reason I started liking History so much was because when I was eight I didn't have that high of a reading level in the beginning and the Librarian told I couldn't read a Who Was book and to prove her wrong I grabbed two of them (Who Was Anne Frank and Who Was Amelia Earhart) and anytime that I feel like not liking History (only like once when learning American Government like I just hate the part where you learn how it works everything else is fine) I remember that and remember why I started liking History so much. To prove to people that I can do what I want.
9. I complain about Thomas Hefferson being a complete idiot but he created two of my favourite things. Mac and Cheese and Swivel Chairs. Not joking, if I see Mac and Cheese on a menu I will immediately get it.
10. When I was little I had thin straight hair (if you know me now you know it's not like that) and wished for curly hair 24/7 and now I have and would complain I wanted straight hair (I'm good now with it but even if I wasn't it doesn't matter because my hair doesn't straighten)
11. I am a very proud Hufflepuff. Some people make fun of my house but you know what, screw you. (Mostly at Cole who talks about me being a definite Hufflepuff and how it's the worst house.)
12. You can tell I'm a proud Hufflepuff because I have a cardigan, and laptop thing that I put in my chrome book case, and a tshirt and talk about me being one multiple times.
13. I've been having fun in Florida while me fellow band members are suffering in a two week band camp and are now apparently forming a protest because everything else is cancelled but band because of the heat and someone is actually in the hospital because of heat exhaustion. So yippee I have that to go back to. (Since I sadly couldn't skip both weeks and have to do four days)

Screw the rules I'm not tagging anyone.

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