Chapter 4

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"Kai are you sure you're going to be okay by yourself?" I asked him as I helped him get up to his apartment. 

"Y/N I'll be fine. You need to go to work. You'll probably be late now." Kai replied trying to get me to buy it. He really failed at that. It was obvious that he would need help getting around. He shouldn't be moving around by himself. 

"Well lucky for you I knew that you'd say that and I called Toby to come over and help you." I said to him as we were just getting to his door. 

"No." He groaned in response.

"Yes." I mimicked back while unlocking the door for him. I looked back and saw his annoyed face and laughed,"He should be here any minute but I'll be over right after work."

"Oh great. I feel like I'm in a nursing home." Kai said under his breath as he got situated on his couch.

"Actually you kind of are." I started to say.

"Please leave before you say something weird to me. It would be well appreciated." he interrupted.

"I'm just saying you are in your home and Toby is coming over so "nurse" you back to health." I smiled then laughed a little as Kai shook his head,"I'll see you later Mr. Crabby Pants."

"I can lock my door you know?" Kai said as I was walking out to leave.

"But I have a spare key!" I laughed on my way out after I held the key up to show him. Right as I shut the door I couldn't help but hear a small damn it come out of Kai's mouth. 

Once I got to work it was only 2 minutes later than I was supposed to be there. I got my proper attire for the job on then right as I stepped up to the counter the door opened. 

"Hello." Daveed smiled as he walked up to me.

"The usual today?" I smiled back as I asked him and he nodded. I got his coffee like any of the other 2 days he'd shown up at the coffee house,"Thank you for the note last night. Monday does work for me after I get off of work."

"Sounds great. Can you text me your address later?" he asked now holding his paid for coffee. 

"Of course." I replied to him.

"I'll talk to you later then." Daveed smiled again and I replied back with a yeah.

After Daveed left work went slow. Not because we didn't have many customers but because usually Kai is here and we always talk or play games while waiting for people. I served the last customer I had for the day and closed the coffee shop. It took me awhile to clean everything up  by myself but I had finally accomplished it in about an hour. I left the shop and went straight to Kai's house. I already had a bag packed for the night because I knew I probably wasn't going to leave. Finally I reached Kai's door in his apartment building and knocked before I turned the door knob. Surprisingly it wasn't locked and I walked in to see him practically in the same position he was in hours earlier.

"Hello." I said as I put my bag down on a chair.

"How was work?" Kai asked looking away from what I could only assume was at least his seventh episode of the office. 

"Ew don't ask that. It makes us sound like an old married couple." I replied as I took a seat next to him and pressed play on the remote,"How many episodes have you watched?"

"I don't even remember." Kai laughed and I smiled. We were silent for quite a while and it was getting darker by the minute. 

"Hey Kai." I said getting his attention.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Why did you get into that fight last night?" I asked and he tensed up a bit right after I said it.

He sighed next to me,"Those guys just weren't good people that's all."

"Kai both of us know that was not the reason why." 

"Those guys were saying horrible things about girls! Some things about you and Kimora too! They escalated it! I didn't want to fight!" Kai started getting defensive.

"Hey calm down!" I told him,"First of all you shouldn't have started a physical fight with them. I don't care if they wanted to escalate into a fight. You should have called us to come and get you before you did something stupid like you actually did." 

"I just didn't want you guys to get hurt." Kai said back.

"Kai what you did didn't solve anything. What did you think you were accomplishing? Owing money for hospital bills? If it was that then congratulations you succeeded." I said and he looked defeated.

"I'm sorry Y/N. What else do you want me to say?" he asked looking at me.

"Nothing. Just don't ever do that again." I leaned back against the couch and sighed. 

"Did that guy come again today?" Kai asked and I looked at him puzzled for a moment,"Hottie that gave you his number?"

I laughed as he said the last sentence,"You think he's hot?"

"No but you do." he smirked and I laughed more.

"Yes he did come today and for your information I have a date on Monday with him after work." I told him. The sun had finally disappeared from the sky so the only light was the TV screen on who knows the number of episodes we've watched by now. 

"Well aren't you lucky. Someone finally likes you or maybe he's just trying to be nice so you'll give him free coffee." Kai said laughing.

"Hey! He likes me not for the coffee but for me!" I said defending myself from his comments.

"Whatever you say." he replied in surrender. I smiled happily and we went back to watching the TV as our eyes got sleepy. It wasn't much later that both of us drifted off to the TV playing in the background. 


how is everyone today?

I hope your day is going good :)

don't have any news this update other than I actually made an amazing friend this week and he actually thinks I'm cute which I didn't think was possible. 

love you guys! <3

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