Chapter 1

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Everything was a mess.

First of all my day started with my dog not quite making it outside in time. Then 5 minutes later while still cleaning the mess my mom calls me ranting about her problems that honestly don't even affect me or my life. After I got off of the phone with her I had to wake up my roommate Kimora who had apparently slept through her alarm and had very minimal time to get ready for her college classes. Then I proceeded to race out the door after I had gotten my own self ready, obviously. As quickly as possible I made my way to my job, well part time job. Although I tried my hardest the clock still beat me and I was late to getting to the little coffee shop I worked at, but only three minutes late this time. I could already tell by the look on my coworker Kai's face that I was in for a little lecture or a big one. 

As I walked up to the front counter next to him, now wearing an apron, I prayed that it would be a short lecture. I said hello to him then heard a sigh leave his lips. Oh no...

"Y/N you were late again today." is all Kai said. 

"I know. I tried to get here quickly but traffic was against me this morning. I'm sorry Kai." I told him with my best apologetic smile.

Another sigh left his mouth,"I suppose it was okay this morning, but only because we weren't as busy this morning and I could handle it by myself. You better be on time tomorrow though."

I smiled at him letting me off again. I'm not proud of my actions and I don't mean to be late but the world seems to not like me very much. At least Kai is a little understanding of this cruel world against me. 

"Thank you Kai. I promise I won't be late tomorrow." I said making him laugh a little.

"I'll believe that when pigs fly." he laughed.

"But they already have." I replied making him look at me like I was some alien or a stupid person. Probably the second one, not gonna lie.

"What are you talking about?" he asked confused at my statement. 

"Haven't you watched that commercial? It was for Doritos and they played it during the Superbowl a couple years ago." I told him and he looked even more confused,"When the boy makes pigs fly so he can get some Doritos."

"How do you even remember that?" Kai asked shocked at everything I just said.

"I don't really know, but I mean how could anyone forget the first time they saw pigs fly?" I joked.

"You are very odd." he said to me.

"Sadly." I replied under my breath as a distraught man entered the small coffee shop talking on the phone. 

"Hello. How can I help you today?" I asked the man as he was talking into his phone seeming a bit rushed. He gave me his order and Kai quickly started making it. 

"Lin I'm on my way, I promise." he said into his phone,"Aaron gets ready 5 minutes till we start the show. I think I'll be fine."

Kai walked over to the counter handing the man his coffee as he finished paying. 

"Thank you so much." he said to Kai and I before turning to leave. 

"Come again!" Kai quickly said before the man was out of the shop. 

"It looks like someone else can have a worse morning than you Y/N." Kai laughed and nudged my shoulder.

"Oh shut up." I said nudging him back as I still looked out at the door the distraught man just walked through.


First of all!

@Cattyluver  -  Kimora

& @GlobetrottingBookie  -  Kai

Thank you so much for the names!!!

Also if you don't know the Doritos commercial that was mentioned I would recommend looking it up. 

What do you think of the story so far??

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