Picture 31: my heart on my sleeve

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Sehun loosened his tie as he stormed out of the main hall. His body shook of anger. Luhan trailed behind him, worried for his taller boyfriend. Sehun shoved the doors open onto a balcony. Luhan immediately shivered as the cold air hit him. His suit was fairly thin and it was still chilly in March, especially after the sun set.

Sehun didn't seem to notice the cold, perhaps he was too angry. He was growling and mumbling to himself, constantly running his fingers through his hair and pacing back and forth.

Luhan tried to get the latter's attention but was only shoved off.


It was useless. Sehun wasn't even looking at him.

Luhan wanted to scream, yell, anything. This wasn't fair. Not to Sehun, not to anyone. Sehun was promised that roll since he was young. He might have rebelled when he was younger but he deserved that position.

Now it was being handed away to someone that hurt him severely.

Luhan tried again. He placed his hand on Sehun's shoulder, when the latter was facing away from him. Sehun harshly shoved Luhan's hand off of him. The force of Sehun's hand caused Luhan's to fly off and hit the stone railing of the balcony painfully.

Luhan hissed as he brought his hand towards his body. Sehun tensed and quickly turned around when he realized what he had done.

The pain radiated from the back of Luhan's hand up to his wrist. The grey haired male blinked back tears as Sehun gingerly took the reddening hand into his own.

"Oh my god, babe, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean i-it." Sehun's voice was shaky and he was trembling as he brought Luhan's hand up to his mouth, kissing it tenderly.

Luhan shook his head. He wanted to sign something but his hand was still stinging.

Sehun seemed to notice this because he pulled Luhan into a tight hug, pressing periodically kisses on the crown of the smaller's head, "God I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you...I was just so upset and.."

Luhan patted Sehun's back. Letting him know that it was okay and Luhan wasn't angry.

"Aw look at you brother, still hurting the people you love."

Luhan whipped around, scowling at the person who just stepped out onto the balcony. Sehun didn't even have a chance to say anything because Luhan stormed right up to the dimpled male and slapped him.

Yixing hissed as he held his cheek, smirking as he straightened himself out, "Guess lover boy told you the real story."

Luhan resisted the urge to smack the male again and took out his phone. He angrily typed something and shoved his phone back into his pocket.

Yixing's own phone dinged and he hummed, "Hm, I don't know if I want to open that."

Luhan glared at him and Yixing chuckled. He went to his phone and unlocked it, skimming the text Luhan sent him.

Luhan: you bastard. You should be ashamed of yourself. Exposing your brother's love like that and ripping them apart? You're heartless. And I fucking saw you take my Polaroid and I want it back . Also, I want your crusty ass off this balcony. After tonight, I don't want to see you anywhere near Sehun.

Yixing's eyes widened ever so slightly, "Damn, and you text your mother with that phone."

Luhan tensed and Yixing guessed he hit a sore spot. He looked down when he heard his phone ding once more.

Luhan: GET OUT

Yixing held up two arms, "Alright alright, I'm leaving."

He smoothly exited the balcony, leaving Sehun and Luhan alone once more.

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