Evergreen and Elfman

Start from the beginning

"Real men don't loose to their sisters!" he roared, peeling himself off the ground. Evergreen shot him a look of the upmost aggrivation. "Would you just shut up already?" she shrieked, struggling to get off the ground. "Maybe if you paid less attention to your manliness and more to the fight, we would actually - "

Mirajane cut her off, swooping down and attacking them both in the blink of an eye. They were thrown against the ground, not even two feet away from each other. Elfman grabbed Evergreen and pulled her out of the way before Mira's magic could reach her. He took the hit in his shoulder, grimacing. Evergreen blinked, and then scowled at him. "I don't need your protection!" she spat.

"Real men...protect...their women," Elfman wheezed.

Evergreen glowed red with anger. "I'm not your woman!"

Mirajane swooped down again, once more interrupting their bickering. "You're gonna have to do better than that if you want to get past me!" she squealed, soaring into the air and landing back down on the ground in a running stance. "Here I come!"

Evergreen barely had time to think. Elfman's claiming her to be his woman clicked somewhere inside her mind, and just as Mirajane was within attacking distance, she said, "Elfman and I are getting married!"

Mirajane stopped so abruptly that Evergreen was surprised she didn't get whiplash. Her gaze flickered frantically from Elfman to Evergreen, but it couldn't have been more than a second. Elfman was ready. He hit Mirajane as hard as he could without severely injuring her, while Evergreen used her needles to add to the attack. Mira flew across the arena and hit the adjacent wall. No sooner had she collapsed did the gate open.

Evergreen cheered, and turned to smile at Elfman. His grasped his injured shoulder with an expression of pain, but he was shooting her a goofy grin. He gave her a thumbs-up before stumbling. Evergreen slipped his arm over her shoulder and supported him as they made their way to the gate, ignoring his boisterous claims that, "Real men don't give in to their injuries!"

They were the last ones to show up, and they were bickering when they did, but they made it just the same.


"Real men don't run away!"

"Shut up and run!"

Evergreen and Elfman sprinted through the forest, a huge pig-beast lumbering after them. It obviously wasn't magic, but Evergreen didn't want to risk stopping to attack it. The beast was simply too big and too fast. It would squash them if they so much as paused for a breath. Unfortunately, they were already starting to lag with ennui and their wounds.

"Go that way!" Elfman ordered, gesturing to a slight opening in the forest. Reason told her that it was a good escape plan, but irritation overwhelmed her reason when she glared at him instead of listening. "Don't tell me where to go!"

The beast was much too close for comfort. Evergreen looked back, desperately trying to formulate a plan in her head. Nothing came to her as the enormous foot loomed above her, ready to drop down and squish her like a bug.

"Ever!" Elfman rammed into her and pushed her towards the niche, safely out of reach from the threatening foot. They rolled downhill, scratched by debris and underbrush. Finally, they stopped at the base of the hill. Evergreen sighed in relief and then looked up to find Elfman's face just inches from hers.

She blushed vividly when she realized that Elfman was on top of her, his many hard pounds of muscle squishing her against the ground. The most peculiar thing was that she couldn't deny that she was completely revulsed by the stance. In fact, she found it quite...

When the word "sexy" came to mind, Evergreen shoved the nearly unconscious Elfman off of her. There was no possible way that she could ever find this idiotic brute attractive in any aspect. Sure, he did have a bunch of muscles, and yeah, his dorky smile was kind of cute...but there was no way that Evergreen would find any of that attractive! Never! Not in a billion years!

"Don't get any ideas because I told your sister we were getting married!" she spat, scrambling off the ground and retreating a safe distance away from the startled Elfman. "It was just so she would let her guard down. Don't start thinking I like you, or anything."

Elfman groaned from his mangled position on the ground, almost too tired to deal with Evergreen's delusional suggestion. Honestly, the thought never crossed his mind.


This poor excuse for a man, Rustyrose, was going to destroy them. He was going to destroy Fairy Tail, and all of the non-magical people in the world. But the worst part was, Elfman could do nothing about it. He thought that his ploy with the glasses would be his victory, but he was wrong. Rustyrose's power was too great for him; he would have to admit defeat like a man.

"Come to me, Tower of Dingir! Crush these foolish fairies!" Rustyrose yelled, laughing like a maniac. Elfman and Evergreen were thrust into the air, and Elfman panicked when he realized he couldn't move. It was almost like the damn tower was absorbing him!

"Elfman..." He looked at Evergreen, who was paralyzed like him. "Hang in there, Ever!" he cried, trying to find a way to get out of this ridiculous, unmanly trap. He was expecting some sort of angry reaction about how only that jerk Laxus was allowed to call her Ever, but that was okay as long as it kept her conscious. Her next words caught him completely off guard.

"I'm so sorry," she said. "I couldn't make you an S-Class mage."

Elfman could tell she really meant it, by the sincerity in her voice and the tears in her eyes. Plus, he doubted that Evergreen was one to apologize unless she was crushed with guilt or blame. But that was absurd, because he would have been defeated by his sister in the first round if it weren't for Ever. He flashed her a grin. "And you call me an idiot. It's because of you that I even got this far."

She turned to him and let him see the full extent of her misery, her guilt, written on her face. "Elfman..."

"Thank you, Ever." Elfman gave her one last smile before everything went black.

It took a lot of willpower, but after a while Elfman finally regained consciousness. The damage around him was catastrophic, from the tower exploding, he presumed. He pulled himself into the upright position, grimacing as waves of agony pulsed throughout his body. He wanted nothing more than to lie down and sleep, but that wasn't a possibility. He needed to find Ever, and he needed to find someone to help them. He tried to stand, but fell back down. The second time he eventually got to his feet.

Where is she? he thought, blinking away the blinding sunlight as he stumbled past the wreckage. Where's Ever? He called her name, but he knew that she wouldn't answer. Elfman sighed with relief when he found her, half-buried in a nest of debris. He dug her out and checked for a pulse, for breathing. She was alive.

She stirred when he slipped his hands under her, hoisting her slight body up in his arms. "Elfman..." she mumbled, a crease forming between her eyebrows.

"I'm here, Ever," Elfman replied, pausing to flash her a smile she couldn't see. "Don't worry, I'm gonna get help. A real man doesn't let his partner suffer."

"Elfman...I wanted...to say thanks," Evergreen continued. "For choosing me...as your partner."

Elfman sniffed, manly tears pricking his eyes. "If I hadn't chosen you, you'd be safe at the guild."

"I know," Evergreen said with an attempt at a smirk. She opened one brown eye, on the very edge of consciousness. "And just for the record...I'm officially giving you permission...to call me Ever."

"I would've called you Ever anyway," Elfman admitted, sniffing loudly again.

Evergreen gave a meek scoff. "Like I would have let you...idiot. Now, go find us...some help."

One of Elfman's alligator tears plopped on Evergreen's cheek as the depths of unconsciousness dragged her under. Elfman pulled himself together and stumbled off towards the tangle of shrieking jungle, hoping he was going in the right direction. As a man, he had to find somewhere safe for Evergreen. Not just as a man, but as a member of Fairy Tail. He must protect his nakama. He must protect his partner.

He must protect the girl he was sort of starting to like.

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