Chapter 12- The Aftermath

Start from the beginning

Raising my head, I looked up to see Tom staring at me. He was also closer than I thought. Close enough for me to count the faint freckles dotted across his nose or those irresistible light brown eyes that had an almost golden edge to them. Snap out of it Maddy! The corner of his lips turned upwards slightly at my staring and he inclined his heads closer towards mine.

There was a loud clearing of the throat. I whipped my head around to see Dean, keys in hand. I couldn't help but smile slightly at Tom's sigh of frustration.

"Maddy are you ready to go?" He asked bluntly, ignoring Tom entirely. I nodded, grateful he had come before I'd done something I'd regret. I got up without saying anything, but then felt bad:

"Thanks Tom I forgive you for that dreaded kiss on the cheek now" I teased lightly, trying to raise the mood a bit. I worked as he let out a light laugh, I couldn't help but smile back at him as I walked away, Dean in tow. It wasn't until I looked at Dean closely that I saw the nerve working on his jaw, a sure sign he was angry about something. I braved myself for his wrath.

"What were you thinking Maddy?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"Please don't. You understand why I did it: you've seen the two of them, someone had to do something." I pleaded, feeling guiltier by the second.

If Dean said something wasn't right, then it definetly was: his moral compass didn't exactly point due north. Then suddenly, Dean laughed and I couldn't describe the relief that filled me: maybe I hadn't lost all of my friends.

"Don't get me wrong I understand why you did it.Wait.." He looked at me, noticing the look of relief on my face. He laughed and I flushed.

"You thought I was really angry didn't you?" I nodded and he laughed again.

"Thanks for earlier Maddy." I smiled, remembering the look of terror on his face when Alex had approached him. After tonight, I know longer had trouble believing the picture Dom had shown me was real. Alex went crazy at parties, that much was undeniable. I had never seen this side of Dean before: he looked like he would have liked nothing more than to run away from her. 

"Your welcome, care to explain?" I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively at him and he groaned. I wasn't going to let him get away that easily- it was his turn to be in the hot seat.

"I thanked you didn't I? Do we have to braid each others hair and talk about our feelings now?" He grumbled mockingly. I chuckled and played along.

"Oh, but Dean, you would totally rock a couple of braids" I teased. He glared at me playfully and I swatted his arm.

"You like her don't you?" I blurted out, determined to find out some truths tonight. He froze.

"No" He muttered, averting my gaze. I raised my eyebrows at his pathetic attempt to lie to me, reminded of my own attempts with Tom. He stared me down for a minute before relenting:

"Fine, yes. I like Lily" He confessed and I resisted the urge to coo in delight.

"You really like her don't you?" I grinned.

"Yes" he sighed, looking like a lovesick puppy and I giggled.

"The great Dean Johnson.... in love" I heaved a dramatic sigh and he tussled my hair good naturedly. He put an arm around my shoulders and whispered in my ear:

"If you hadn't helped me earlier, I would have definitely shut you up by now." He said and I looked at him challengingly as if to say: 'yeah right'. He snorted quietly at my expression and kissed me on the cheek.

"Seriously though: thank you Mad" He murmured seriously.

"There's nothing to thank me for, you've already returned the favour by forgiving me. Is everyone else angry with me?" I asked cautiously, thinking of their absence earlier and hoping I'd misread it.

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