Chapter 8- The Clear-out

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Chapter 8- The Clear-out

I woke up hot and feverish.Taking deep steadying breaths, I headed for the shower. Though it was way too early, I yearned for the warm calming flow of water. But even in the shower, I couldn't distract myself. Since Greg died, I'd tried my hardest to block thoughts of him from my mind, but what I didn't know that in doing this I had not accepted his death. Or acknowledged just how much his death had cost me. Mum's voice from downstairs interrupted my reverie:

"Maddy! Dean's here for you". Rushing frantically to get changed, I put on my clothes without so much as a glance to what the end result would be. I descended the stairs at record pace, slowing down to a saunter as I reached the kitchen.

"Somebody's not quite awake yet" Dean smirked at me, earning a giggle from Mum. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her girlish behaviour: she always got this way around Dean. He had completely charmed her.

"Haha" I mumbled sarcastically with raised eyebrows. I could tell Mum stories about Dean that would make any girl blush. He must have recognized the warning look in my eyes, because he rose from the kitchen table slowly.  "Thanks for the coffee Mrs R" he thanked her with a charming smile.

"Bye Mum, I'll text you later" I kissed her on the cheek and once outside we clambered into his car. It was a typical 'first' car being a blue ford fiesta whom he had christened: 'Chelsea'.

"Someone keeping you from sleeping last night Maddy?" I smiled at his concern.

"You look shattered" he added bluntly. The smile dropped from my face- Did I look that bad?

"I was just joking Maddy, cool the jets" he assured me.

"Cool the jets? Where are you getting your slang from Dean?" I  snorted at the term. His expression told me that he had been hoping I wouldn't notice, well too bad.

"Oh, shut up" He snapped and I giggled at his tone. Winding Dean up was one of my favourite hobbies.

"No" I shot back.

"Yes" he returned.

"No. Hey just cool the jets Dean "

"Yes" this went on for some time, escalating quickly to a poke war. Dean was at a slight disadvantage (though I would never admit it to him) as he had to at least try and concentrate on the road. Dean gave me a playful shove, which I responded to in kind. We had arrived at our destination and he gave me one last push. On the way, I hadn't thought about the reason of our visit, it seemed messing around with Dean had been the perfect thing to distract me.  

I let a silence fall  over us as we got out of the car, lulling him into a false sense of security. Just before he reached the door, I jumped on his back with all my might. He gave a comical yelp of surprise and almost fell to the floor, dragging me with him. Attracted by the commotion no doubt, Mel had come to the door and looked down at me and Dean, sprawled on top of each other on the ground, with raised eyebrows. Probably reserving judgment until we explained. 

"What the fuck Maddy? You scared the life out of me!" He growled at me angrily, I grinned at him triumphantly and mouthed 'I won!' He ignored me ( but I could've have sworn I saw the corners of his mouth twitch)  and we entered the house, the warm air enveloping us snugly. 

"Joe, Lily and Ana are already here, so just go on up. Do you want a drink?" Mel offered politely and she quickly left us, heading for the kitchen. Dean had perked up slightly, his eyes lighting with interest. Strange. Where was Dom anyway, he wanted to support Mel too, didn't he? The group greeted us animatedly, Ana especially and I could tell they were having fun despite the morbidness of the occasion. It had been a long time since we'd all hung out- too long maybe. 

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