Chapter 19- Then the World Came Crashing Down

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Chapter 19- Then the World Came Crashing Down


Has anyone ever told you that planning a party is stressful? I looked at the chaos surrounding me: balloons, decorations, tables bar and I winced. When I hired the restaurant, they'd told me I would have to set up myself, and I (being an idiot) agreed that I would be happy to do so. Clearly, I shook my head at the massive amount of preparation in front of me, I had severly underestimated how much time this was going to take me.

Briefly, I considered ringing Maddy, knowing she would be more than happy to help me. But something held me back: I hadn't seen her in a couple of weeks. Morton had kept me busier than ever and I hadn't wanted to even see her for fear of endangering her. I had seen firsthand what happened to the guys who told their friends about the operation and it never ended well.

I missed her: the feel of her in my arms, the fire she ignited whenever she touched me. I was considering for the first time, spending more time with her without having sex. Not to get to know her, because I had realised that our shared childhood meant I already knew her like the back of my hand. I just wanted to be around her. I had tried not to dwell too much on my confusing feelings towards Maddy, because Morton prevented me from acting on them.

So I rang Tom instead, practically begging him to come and help me. I was just pinning up the 'Happy Birthday' banners, thinking he wasn't going to turn up, when in he came with 10 of our friends in tow.

"Heard you needed some help" Tom called to me, grinning widely. I jumped down from the ladder and went to greet them.

"Thanks for coming guys" I grinned, so relieved that I wanted to kiss them.

"Don't worry about it mate" Jack said and I smiled. Jack and his brother Lewis were identical, and both went through girls like they were going out of fashion. Something I admired in a boy.

"Okay. I need the tables set....." I began explaining what needed to be done. I scanned the faces of the guys and saw Lewis wasn't present. I frowned, as the twins were rarely seen apart.

"Where's Lewis?" I asked Tom in an undertone, whilst the others talked among themselves. He frowned, shifting uncomfortably.

"You know that girl.... Victoria?" He said hesitantly.

I nodded, willing him to go on. "He was seeing her for a while and he was thinking about asking her to be with him properly. Then you took her home with you....." He explained and I swallowed guiltily.

"Why didn't he tell me?" I asked.

"Apparently he thought you'd take the piss out of him" Tom replied, looking at me closely.

I frowned. "No I wouldn't" I denied.

Tom chuckled. "You would have ripped him to shreds Greg and you know it" He replied.

I sighed. "Not if I knew he really liked her. Shit!" I ran a hand through my hair distractedly.

"She passed out in my car. I had no choice but to take her home with me- nothing even happened" I said defensively.

Tom seemed surprised by my outburst. "You don't have to defend yourself to me" He muttered.

"I wouldn't have even slept with her if I'd known" I said miserably, before regretting it instantly. Tom looked extremely suspicious now, looking at me like he wasn't sure if I was joking.

"Are you alright?" He asked concernedly.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I smiled, trying to gloss over my words.

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