What the hell just happened??

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"How about you drop those........quinques you call them right??

If you drop your quinques, I'll let this guy go. It seems like a fair deal to me. What do you think?"

A perplexed look passed their faces. One of them stepped forward. He was probably the leader wearing a more determined look on his face with dark hair but still visibly grizzled with age.

"You're a ghoul, we don't trust you and we don't know that you won't just kill him and us too if we let our guard down," he said not batting an eye.

At the moment the boy wasn't fighting trying to free himself, he wasn't screaming, he looked like he was frozen from fear and terror, and wasn't really believing what had happened in the span of a few minutes.
While the ghoul itself was scared to death but couldn't show any weakness to her enemy.

"So," she said "you can't trust me but I think you don't have a choice." as she said these words she tightened her rinkaku around the boy.

The leader didn't take a step back neither did he drop his quinque. Instead he held he's hand up as an indication to attack.

Before he could spit those words that would end her life, the ghoul started running again with the boy still in her clutches.

'Don't they care about this boy's life?
Don't they care if he lives or dies?' These were the thoughts going through her mind, while running from RC bullets being shot by some doves while others had different kind of quinques on hand. It would be easy to protect herself from the bullets with her kagune, but she was using that for keeping the kid. 'Aren't they supposed to be the good guys?! Why didn't they they take the fucking offer? '

The chase didn't go on for too long after she found an abonded building in the outskirts of the city.
It was old but it could hold if she had enough time to close all the entrances after she got in.

The doves were not that far way and considering the injuries she had gotten by the RC bullets, it would be a long shot. She had to act fast.

The ghoul all but threw the boy on the floor when she got in one of the most closed of rooms.

Shit!! Now she had trapped herself in. She had to find a way out of this mess. She had to create a plan. The bullets that had pierced her skin hurt a lot. She had to get them out sooner better than later.

"Please... Don't kill me," a voice pleaded from the other side of the room.
Oh no, the boy! What was she going to do about the him?

The guy's breathing started turning restless. Letting more breath out then breathing it in. Was he having a panic attack ??

She should have expected something like this to occur, with what had just happened to him. But couldn't he have just fainted? Now she had to deal with this.

"Relax... " she said this while getting slowly closer but still keeping her distance, "I'm not going to hurt you, OK? What's your name? "

"I... ehh" he seemed to have noticed the ghoul getting closer , "my... name....uhh... is Drake."

"Ok listen Drake... I wanna get out of here as much as you but I can't do that while you having a panic attack, we need to stay calm.

The boy's - Drake - breathing was finally returning to normal. He took a step back but otherwise kept eye contact. Now that he had calmed down she could finally think.

The doves were closing in, she could hear them.
But what could she do??

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