They guys didn't say anything

"What's up babe?" Alex asked

"I'm tired and the girls won't shut up about you guys so here I am" she said

"Tired from last night huh? I bet Amber rocked you're world" Evan said

"Shut up you idiot you're probably just jealous you weren't in my place" Emily retorted expertly

The guys went back into their conversations and after 5 minutes of sports and video game talk Sebastian spoke up "Is she sleep?"

"Yeah" Alex said

"You can't keep this from her forever" Jace said

"It was an accident plus you guys aren't innocent either" Sebastian said

"Well I'm innocent" Elijah said

"Yeah that's because none of the strippers wanted your creepy ass" Evan said

I looked at the girls and mouthed 'strippers?' They shrugged just as confused as me.

"Plus it was your idea to even go there, I was fine staying home and watching over Amber but nooo you guys want to go to the strip club" Sebastian rambled

"Dude it was just a lap dance it's not like you fucked her" Evan said

"That's not the point dude I'm getting married" he said

"Sadly" Evan said

"Hey what do you have against Amber anyway she's never done anything for you to hate her" Elijah said

"She's a witch! Have you seen that creepy eye thing she can do? She flung all of us into the pool easily, plus she turned my own twin against me for 6 years and now he's marrying her. I have every right to hate her" Evan said

I rolled my eyes at his idiotic reasoning

"Have you ever asked her why she can do the things she's done?" Chad asked

"Hell no! I only talk to her if necessary, hell she could put some spell on me" Evan said

"Hello?! I'm freaking out here!" Sebastian said

"Relax she doesn't know anything just keep it that way" Evan said

"Oh she may not know the whole thing but she knows something is up" Jace said "Did you see the way she looked at us? That's her 'you're up to something and I'm going to find out' look

"Yeah she's been asking questions all morning" Sebastian agreed

I stood up motioning for the girls to follow me.

"That's because your acting weird and nervous around her" Chad said

I hung up the phone and opened the door to Sebastian's office. They all turned to look at us as we walked in.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked walking over to Sebastian

"Nothing just talking" Jace answered me taking Katie into his arms

"This is where Emily disappeared off to?" Marissa asked

"Yeah apparently your boy talk was too much for her" Alex said as Kelly threw a pillow at her

It hit her square in the face causing her to jump up and slap Alex in the face. All on purpose of course since she was already awake.

"Ow!" Alex said

"Sorry" Emily said laughing

"Uh did you get any work done?" Sebastian asked me

"Yes actually I got some much needed information" I said causing the girls to chuckle

"What was it?" He asked looking at me nervously

"Nothing you should be worried about right now" I shrugged

'Your not sitting in his lap' Emily mindlinked me

"Hey why aren't you 2 all cuddled up?" Jace asked gesturing to Sebastian and I

I walked over to my mate sitting in his lap "You all are the ones always complaining about us spending too much time together" I said

Sebastian put his arms around me slowly.

"Is something wrong Seb?" I asked turning to face him

"N- no why do you ask?" He said

"You've been acting weird all day" I said

"Maybe he's tired of you" Evan said

"Evan shut up" Sebastian said

"No you're too much of a pussy to say it so I will, you don't do it for him anymore you're a crazy vindictive evil bitch and you don't deserve my brother" Evan glared at me

Everyone fell silent in shock, all of them looking back and forth between Evan and I waiting on the next move.

"Ya know what? You're right" I shrugged feeling the presence of my sister in the room

She walked over to him punching him in the stomach. He doubled over in pain, the air knocked out of him.

She grabbed his throat lifting him off the ground and choking him.

"Amber how are you doing that? Stop it" Sebastian said as everyone looked from me who hadn't moved a muscle to Evan who was beginning to turn blue.

"Let him go" I said rolling my eyes

Amilliana dropped him to the ground allowing him to breathe "I told you she was a witch!" Evan said catching his breath

"Evan meet my twin Amilliana, Millie meet Evan the idiot" I said

She grabbed his hand shaking it which looked like him shaking his hand in the air.

"Amber how often is your sister around?" Sebastian asked

"Only when your brother is around, I don't think she's his biggest fan either" I said

"They were probably meant to be mates" Jace joked

I looked at him and my eyes widened "That makes perfect sense!"

Amilliana bolted from the room even through I'm the only one who can feel her presence.

"My mates is dead?!" Evan said in an outrage standing up

"Yes now calm your tits this isn't a recent occurrence" I said

He glared at me "When did she die?"

Elijah and Isiah went into the whole story of Amilliana's life and death while Evan listened intently and I read over random papers on Sebastian's desk.

When they were finished Evan looked at me "So why does she hate me?"

"Well you did call me a crazy vindictive evil bitch" I shrugged

"I'm sorry Amilliana" Evan said

"Oh she left when you guys started talking about mates" I said not looking up from the paper

"Hey did you call Demetri yet?" I asked Sebastian

"Yeah he gave me this book of offices" he said handing it to me

I looked through it seeing very masculine expensive looking office spaces. Most of them I knew Sebastian would never pick but I saw a few that he would like.

"So which one should I choose?" I asked him

"Whichever one you want I'm not the boss of you I'm just a girl on your lap" I said sneakily reminding him of his late night rendezvous

"Are you ok babe?" He asked cautiously

I glanced at Emily who was trying to hold in her laugh.

I smiled pecking his cheek and standing up "I'm fine, I'll see you later though, I have work to do"

I walked out of the office and back to my office leaving a confused looking Sebastian behind me.

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