Finding the lost sister

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Adagio's POV
"Adagio, we've been looking ever since she turned four in this world now she'll be fifteen. We have looked for her for eleven years so-" Aria stopped her sentence, "actually, I think we've found her, look." She finished. Sonata and I looked at her confused until  she pointed at a girl who looked like this.

 Sonata and I looked at her confused until  she pointed at a girl who looked like this

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(But older and without the school uniform)

"Hey is that you Y/n?" I asked. I heard her gasp and turn around quickly. "Adagio. . . Aria. . . Sonata? Is that you?" She questioned and we nodded. "And that's you isn't it Y/n?" Aria asked, but we could tell she knew the answer; she nodded her head. "Yeah it's me. How's it been without me then: I haven't seen you in eleven years!" She said, "Well, little sister, what about you come with us to our house so you won't live alone" I said.

"I'm not living alone, I have really bad foster parents and they stole my amulet and said it was now theirs so before you take me too your place I need to asked them to go back to the foster home and say we're looking for our little sister Y/n who was four when she got here and is now fifteen and then boom!" She said. We hugged her and she walked into the house and came out with the amulet around her neck.
"They were going to send me back anyway and the person is in there so come on." My little sister dragged me in and I had to sign the paper thingys, then we went home.

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