I think i love you

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"I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified."
( some nice (maybe a little short) Fluff cause you deserve it)
•E V A N•
"Yeah Evan?"
"I think I'm in love with you."
"And I'm terrified."
The following silence was worse then Evan could've every imagined. It had taken all of what little courage the male had, and carelessly threw it out the window.
All with a few words.
The sense of panic was extremely evident on Evans face,
it was way scarier then anything he'd ever dared experience.
It wasn't like he didn't know if Conner liked him back at all, they'd been dating for at least a few months, sharing kisses outside of class, cuddling and going on dates.
But with Evans tendency to over-think and Conners quick judgement they'd had several rough patches.

The worst one Evan could remember was a few weeks prior. Zoe and Evan had been chatting in his room screaming along to the songs that came on shuffle from Zoe's phone. Which meant their emotions were all over the place as they went from bouncing about the room yelling 'Big fun' to attempting to rap along to 'Guns and ships' and then to mourning over 'Burn' and 'Michael in the bathroom.' Crying things out like
"Michael didn't deserve!"
"Eliza leave his ass!"
They were meant to be waiting for Jared and Alana to come over, while Conner went to 7/11 to grab slushies and  snacks for the small sleep-over/party the group was holding.
It wasn't long before Jared came crashing in, screaming "Kinky!"
After Evan finished a verse during 'Blue'
Causing the poor boy to turn red, and making Alana who was following close behind Jared snicker and shake her head.
So the party was going great!

The group, after waiting a few minuets for Connor, grew bored and decided to play a game. After deciding Paranoia was a game for a later time where Connor could also be thoroughly embarrassed, they settled on truth or dare.
After a few quote Normal and safe rounds, it was Jared turn. And naturally he picked Evan.
"Truth or dare?" He asked, cracking an evil and mildly maniacal grin.
The male responded absentmindedly, too busy checking the text Connor had sent him, telling his boyfriend he'd be back soon.
"Good! I dare you to kiss Zoe."
The room went deadly silent.
Alana paled and seemed mildly angry with Jared, whilst Zoe gaped.
Poor Evan was frozen.
He knew it was all part of Jareds plan to get Alana and Zoe together, but still. It felt like cheating. It felt like he was cheating on Connor.
"W-whats the forfeit?"
He asked nervously, and Zoe shook her head. He instantly knew the forfeit would be so much worse.
"Running down the street naked and confessing your love for the person you like or are dating."
Evan pale sand shoot his head, there was no way he could do that. No way in hell.
"There's n-no way out of this is there?"
He mumbled and Zoe shook her head, seeming just as freaked as Evan was.
They leaned in a little awkwardly, and in haste to get it over with, their noses bumped and teeth clashed painfully,meaning the whole experience was quite alarming.
Even more so when the door slammed open.
"Sup bitches, I'm back-"
Connor stopped, staring as his sister and his boyfriend leaped away from each other.
"C-Connor! No wait, it wasn't what it-"
The door slammed shut.

It took weeks to resolve that, and a near attempt at suicide.

But they'd also had good times, amazing times!

Like when Connor took Evan out to the movies, but they spent the whole time whispering dumb little jokes or cute things into each other's ears.

Or like the time when after a particularly bad date, Connor tried to make it up to Evan by cuddling on the sofa with Heathers playing in the background.
But after a couple flirty jokes, they ended up with Evans back pushed up against the sofa, Connors hands up his shirt, carefully roaming around the others chest, gliding over the smooth skin.
Connors tongue flooding the others mouth and-
Evan felt himself flush just thinking about it.

But the best time for Evan, without a doubt had to be the time they went on a date to the orchard.
With Evans back against a particularly fine specimen of an Oak tree, with Connors head in his lap.
They sat in the most comfortable silence, with Evans hands threading through his lovers hair, messing and playing with it, all the while the dopiest grin on his face.
They didn't need words to express themselves in that moment.
The wind blowing lightly against them and the leaves that gently fluttered past and onto the flowered ground, seemed to speak utter volumes of their contentment.
Evan could firmly say that in those moments he had never been happier.
Never felt more calm, or relaxed and purely at peace with himself,and Connor and just the world in general.
But that was until Connor started humming, mindlessly humming to the tunes of heathers as his boyfriend messed with his hair, and Evan nearly exploded from how adorable his 'big, scary, school shooter' boyfriend was

And Evan was terrified he'd just thrown everything away.
That by using a simple phrase he'd thrown all of those moments away, like paper into a fireplace. He thought he was watching his entire relationship burn, crumbling into ashes.
He could've never said those words, and spent the rest of his life stealing kisses and smiles from his beautiful boyfriend, his partner in crime, the one who smacked Jared every time he yelled 'Kinky'

And he'd just thrown it all away, why was he so stupid? Why couldn't he just do anything right!

"Hey Evan?"
There was a shaky breath.
From which boy? Who can tell?
"I think I love you too."

This was a bit crappy but I like it,
Word count- 1044 (edited) It's way shorter then I wanted it to be, but I think I've outdone the idea in my head already.
Oh well.

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