Letter from God - Female

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My darling girl,

I wrote you this letter because you are My Little Princess and I am your Daddy, your caring Father. I love and adore you, even now, for nothing you do can ever make Me care any less for you than I always have.

And with this I ask you to come to Me in your time of trouble and I will be there – already picking up the pieces and gluing them back together again to make something beautiful. I will protect you.

It is through grace that I have forgiven your sins and through the same grace that I have made each and every one of them My own. Trust in Me through My Son Jesus and I will give you the world – I will change you and I will change your life – if you let Me. You were not put on this earth without purpose but until that purpose is revealed to you I ask that you let go of your problems and worries, your doubts and fears, even your hopes and your dreams. Allow Me to hold you in the unconditional, tight embrace of My affection. Let me adore you. And all the desires of your heart will be given to you, as long as it is within My will.

Don't believe Me?

Noah was a drunk, David an adulterer and Paul a murderer – though I still blessed them all beyond compare, didn't I? My Sweetheart, if you let Me, I will do the same for you. I want to hold and help you. Be your Best Friend.

I am not blind to the things you have done nor to the things you struggle with, I know you are not without faults or bad habits. I know your strengths and weaknesses but through My strength and power you will be able to rise above them. To overcome the things of this world. Your praise of Me is still a pleasing offering that I hold dear.

Nine months I spent creating you, moulding you, into complete perfection. Knowing you'd grow up to be the beloved girl you are today. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Never forget that.

Neither should you forget the effect you have on people. Good or bad.

You are destined for greatness. Destined to change lives. So go out – and do it! For with My help you will succeed. My child, I implore you to dream about becoming the person I have intended for you to be. Dream big for you have no idea the size of the plans I have for you. No eye has seen no ear has heard and no mind has imagined what I have prepared for those who love Me. Not even My angels are let in on this secret of how I plan to use your eating, sleeping and drinking life to touch the lives of those around you.

Each day I watch over you and each day you give Me another reason to celebrate. Because of My deep compassion for you, I give you the permission to ask. Ask for all your hearts desires. Ask for advice. Ask even when you think I'm not listening. Or that I won't answer you. For if you ask, My precious daughter, it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened. Though you must keep in mind that all this will not happen on your time, but on My own. My way is perfect. All who follow My precepts have good understanding.

Be strong. Be courageous. Take chances. For I the, LORD your GOD, go with you. I will never leave you, nor forsake you.

Never forget that.

All of this My darling little angel, is true.

From your loving Father, and understanding Friend,


P.S. I love you

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