You're a pedophile

Start from the beginning

"Get. Out. Please." Her voice shook.

There was no reason for me to stay anymore. Wiping my tears off my cheek I got up. And without a backward glance, I left. I went out and gasped for air. What happened had left me breathless. I was trying to come to grips with it. I found myself walking. Fast. And more fast. Faster until I was running. I ran until my legs went jelly. I stumbled on a rock and came crashing down to the cool pavement. I could feel my heart pounding in my ears. This time I didn't fight it, I cried. I cried loudly. I think I probably got up and started walking as well. Normally I would've gone to Nora's place. But not today. I wanted to see no one. I let my legs decide where to go. And they took me to a park. I recognized the park. Ofcourse that's where I had to come. It was the park I met them. This is the park where everything began.

I entered. I searched for that swing. I looked around frantically. And then I found it. A girl was sitting on it while her Dad probably, was pushing her. She was laughing. I cried even more.

I sat down under a tree and stared at the girl. She was around 11 or 12.

I was that old too when it happened. I was 13. People say 13 is a number that brings bad luck. I think they are probably right. When I was thirteen, my entire childhood was snatched away infront of my very eyes.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't know how long I stayed under that tree. I don't know how long i cried. I was snapped out by the soft drops of water soothing my burning skin. I looked around. It was raining. That Dad was now carrying the girl in his arms and going away. Probably so that she doesn't get sick. My eyes welled up again. I looked up at the sky and let the raindrops be my comfort.

"I think you'll look ridiculously cute with a puffy nose and a flu." I froze. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was. I'd recognize that scent anywhere. I stayed right where I was. A tear fell down my eye. It was dark and raining. He wouldn't know I'm crying.

"So do you stay naked under your blanket when you're sick?" He asked me again. A small smile spread over my face. I didn't let him know that either.

"Please don't cry." He said quietly. That had me turning around. I tried to spot where he was but I couldn't. It was too dark now. Suddenly I felt arms around me and then I was picked up and settled on someone's lap. I sighed with a smile. Xavier.

"You keep smiling at my jokes, I love your smile." He said softly. I smiled more.

"Just like that." I didn't ask him how he knew I was smiling. I wasn't even facing him.

"How did you find me?" I asked.
He didn't answer for a long time. Just when I thought he wouldn't, he did.

"I went to your house and met your mum." I tensed. "After we were done talking, I set off looking for you. An hour and a half later I find out creeping at little girls."

"Hey I wasn't creeping at little girls!" I protested.

"Baby, you looked like you were gonna kidnap her and make her your personal house slave." I glared at him.

"I'm not a pedophile!"

"Oh god I'm dating a pedophile!" He said dramatically.

"Oh shut up." I huffed. Xavier chuckled. I sighed in contentment. This guy...
I smiled while I leaned against his chest.

I think he should know about my past before things spiral out of control.

Xavier's point of view:

I cradled Hazel on my laps while her head nestled perfectly against my chest. I knew I should ask her what had happened but for some reason I couldn't. I wasn't sure I wanted to know about something that hurt her. Why I felt so mad after talking to her mother was beyond my comprehension. What even made her mum hate her so much?

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